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Tennessee: Multiple Pro-Gun Bills Progress to Governor

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Tennessee: Multiple Pro-Gun Bills Progress to Governor

Your NRA-ILA is glad to report that multiple pro-gun bills have progressed out of the Tennessee legislature this week.  Senate Bill 1110, House Bill 745, and Senate Bill 1103 are now headed to Governor Bill Haslam (R).  Currently on the Governor’s desk, House Bill 995’s conference committee majority report awaits the Governor’s consideration.   Thank you for your support with these important pro-gun bills!

NRA-backed park carry legislation, House Bill 995’s conference committee report, as previously reported, passed both chambers of the Tennessee legislature and takes two important steps toward protecting your Second Amendment rights.  First, the report removes the ability for municipalities to opt-out of park carry, thus removing a patchwork of laws throughout the state of Tennessee that could turn law-abiding Tennesseans with handgun carry permits into unintentional criminals.  Additionally, the committee report will clarify current law referring to carrying a firearm in a park while the park is being used by a school.  This clarification makes clear that a citizen may lawfully carry in a park outside the immediate vicinity of a school event while the event is taking place in a park. 

Senate Bill 1110 and its companion, House Bill 1341, would prohibit the use of any public funds, personnel, or property to enforce any federal law or regulation that regulates the ownership, use, or possession of firearms, ammunition, or firearms accessories.  House Bill 1341 was substituted by Senate Bill 1110 on Monday, April 13, when it passed the Senate and House by a 29 to 1 vote and 74 to 20 vote respectively.

House Bill 745 and its Senate companion, Senate Bill 700, would create a lifetime handgun carry permit which entitles the permit holder to carry any handgun that the permit holder legally owns or possesses without expiration and sets the application fee for a lifetime handgun carry permit at $500.  House Bill 745 passed the House on Monday, April 13, by a 90 to 3 vote.  On April 15, House Bill 745 was substituted and replaced SB 700 and passed the Senate on the same day by a 30 to 2 vote.

Senate Bill 1103, and its House companion, House Bill 1046, would establish certain procedures regarding the disposition of confiscated or abandoned firearms in state or local custody, including the sale and destruction of such firearms.  Senate Bill 1103 unanimously passed the Senate on Monday, April 13. On April 20, Senate Bill 1103 was substituted and replaced HB 1046, and unanimously passed the House on the same day.

On Monday, April 20, Senate Bill 633, was signed into law by Governor Haslam.  SB 633 will prohibit schools from requiring students or parents to provide information on firearm ownership; prohibits local education agencies from requiring employees to provide information on firearm ownership; prohibit adverse disciplinary or employment action based on information of firearm ownership that is voluntarily provided.  SB 633 was unanimously passed on March 16.  On April 6, Senate Bill 633 was substituted and replaced its House companion, House Bill 683, and passed the Tennessee House of Representatives by a 90 to 5 vote on the same day.

Please contact Governor Bill Haslam and respectfully urge him to sign into law SB 1110, House Bill 745, Senate Bill 1103, and House Bill 995’s conference committee majority report.  Contact information for the Governor is provided below.

Governor Bill Haslam
(615) 741-2001
[email protected]

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Established in 1975, the Institute for Legislative Action (ILA) is the "lobbying" arm of the National Rifle Association of America. ILA is responsible for preserving the right of all law-abiding individuals in the legislative, political, and legal arenas, to purchase, possess and use firearms for legitimate purposes as guaranteed by the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.