On Tuesday, the South Dakota House of Representatives overwhelmingly passed House Bill 1205 by a 67 to 1 vote. HB 1205 has been assigned to the Senate Judiciary Committee and will be scheduled for a hearing soon. It is critical that you contact the members of the Senate Judiciary Committee immediately and urge them to support this important legislation.
Authored by state Representative Jim Stalzer (R-11), HB 1205 would require that certification by a chief law enforcement officer (CLEO), when a signoff is required for the transfer of a firearm or other item regulated by the National Firearms Act ("NFA"), be provided within 15 days as long as the applicant is not prohibited by law from receiving the firearm or other item.
Under current law, a CLEO may refuse to sign off for any reason, including their own personal feelings toward NFA-related items, which has created issues for law-abiding citizens. By removing any possibility of personal bias, which may reside behind many CLEO's refusing to sign off, and creating a statewide standard, HB 1205 protects the rights of law-abiding gun owners across the Mount Rushmore State.
Using the contact information provided below, please contact members of the Senate Judiciary Committee and politely request their support for House Bill 1205 when it comes before them. You can reach members by phone at 605-773-3821.
Senate Judiciary Committee:
Senator Craig Tieszen (R-34), Chairman
Senator David Novstrup (R-03), Vice Chairman
Senator Jim Bradford(D-27)
Senator Troy Heinert (D-26)
Senator Jeff Monroe (R-24)
Senator Arthur Rusch (R-17)
Senator Mike Vehle (R-20)