House Bill 114, legislation that would eliminate specific “gun free zones” in Wyoming, has been referred to the Senate Education Committee. However, this important legislation needs your help!
HB 114 is critical to protecting your Second Amendment rights, and would respect the right of law-abiding concealed carry permit holders to lawfully carry in any meeting of a government entity, any public K-12 school and on the campus of any public college or university.
While no hearing has been scheduled yet, please use the contact information provided below to begin contacting members of the Senate Education Committee and respectfully urge them to support this critical bill which recognizes your fundamental right to self-defense, regardless of your location. Urge them to vote in support of HB 114 when it comes before them.
Senate Education Committee:
Senator Henry Coe (R-18)
Senator Jim Anderson (R-02)
Senator Dan Dockstader (R-16)
Senator Stephan Pappas (R-07)
Senator Chris Rothfuss (D-09)