Due to the unfortunate and politically motivated dismissal of House Bill 1009 by anti-gun legislators in the House Committee on State, Veterans and Military Affairs earlier this week, Senators Chris Holbert (R-30) and John Cooke (R-13) reintroduced legislation yesterday that would repeal the rights-infringing legislation passed into law during the 2013 legislative session that arbitrarily limits the number of rounds of ammunition you can use to protect yourself and your family to 15.
Senate Bill 175 has already received 16 cosponsors, with a bipartisan group of both Senators and Representatives signing on to this critical legislation. Please begin contacting your state Senator in support of this bill restoring your Second Amendment rights.
Unfortunately, if SB 175 passes through the state Senate, this legislation will most likely once again be referred to the House Committee on State, Veterans and Military Affairs. Your help is needed to convince members of the Committee to reconsider their stance on your constitutional rights. The Vice-Chairman of the Committee, Representative Joseph Salazar (D-31), needs to hear from you. Urge him to change his vote to support of SB 175. Tell him to repeal the right-infringing ban on magazines holding more than 15 rounds of ammunition, so that you are able to truly protect yourself and your family, without limitation.
Representative Joseph Salazar (D-31)
Phone: (303) 866-2918
Email: joseph.salazar.house@state.co.us