Governor Jerry Brown has until Tuesday, September 30 to sign or veto the four pending anti-gun bills below. It is CRITICAL that you call, e-mail AND fax Governor Brown TODAY respectfully urging him to VETO these anti-gun bills. He can be reached at (916) 445-2841, by e-mail here (
- Senate Bill 199 removes the BB device exception from the imitation firearm prohibition.
- Senate Bill 808 bans firearm manufacturing and 3-D printing.
- Assembly Bill 1609 makes it a state crime to transport or otherwise import firearms into California that were acquired from out of state, unless the firearms are sent to and transferred through a licensed California firearms dealer.
- Assembly Bill 1014 allows any person to file a restraining order against YOU causing your firearms to be forfeited.
Please forward this alert to your family, friends, fellow gun owners and sportsmen in California urging them to call, e-mail AND fax Governor Brown and urge him to VETO SB 199, SB 808, AB 1014 and AB 1609.
The following two anti-gun bills have already been signed into law this year:
Assembly Bill 1964 unnecessarily removes existing exemptions for all single-shot pistols, other than those with a break top or bolt-action, from California’s roster of “not unsafe” handguns.
Assembly Bill 2310 allows city attorneys in Los Angeles and Sacramento counties to initiate unlawful detainer actions against residents who have been arrested for any firearm-related crime.
Some good news for California sportsmen, the following two pro-hunting bills were signed into law on September 19.
Assembly Bill 1709 expands junior hunting licenses to 16 and 17 year olds.
Assembly Bill 2105 requires the state Department of Fish and Game to authorize a non-profit organization designated by the department to assist in the sale of Nelson bighorn ram tags and to retain five percent of the amount of the sale price of the tag, plus any applicable credit card fees, as a reasonable vendor fee.