Your immediate help is needed to combat anti-gun legislation in Trenton! Assembly Bill 2006, sponsored by Assemblyman Louis Greenwald (D-6), and Senate Bill 993, sponsored by state Senator Loretta Weinberg (D-37), both seek to restrict the maximum capacity of ammunition magazines from 15 to 10 rounds and ban many popular firearms. A.2006 could be voted on in the Assembly as early as this Thursday, March 20. S.993 could be heard in Senate committee as early as Monday, March 24 and then voted on in the state Senate. If left unchecked, S.993 could be sent to Governor Chris Christie’s desk, after passing the state Senate and Assembly, as early as next Thursday, March 27. Please contact your state Senator and Assemblymen now!
Last week, “amendments” to A.2006 passed in the Assembly Law and Public Safety Committee. These amendments supposedly eliminate the bill’s unintended ban on dozens of popular firearms. However, don’t be fooled by false claims. These new amendments only twist the tangled web of New Jersey’s gun laws further. As amended, there is zero impact on the legislation’s ban on popular firearms and ammunition.
Please contact your state Senator, both of your Assemblymen and Governor Christie, and tell them to oppose A.2006/S.993. We also urge you to come to Trenton to testify before the Senate Law & Public Safety Committee on Monday, March 24. While there is no current confirmation on whether S.993 will be heard at this hearing, we expect this legislation to be heard very soon. This committee hearing is currently scheduled for 10:00 a.m. at the State House Annex at 125 West State Street in Trenton. Your NRA-ILA will continue to provide more information once the official committee agenda is released.
Contact information for your state Senator and Assemblymen can be found here.
Governor Chris Christie:
Office of the Governor
Post Office Box 001
Trenton, New Jersey 08625
(609) 292-6000