Yesterday, the Georgia Senate passed Senate Bill 93 by a 43-10 vote. SB 93, sponsored by state Senator Bill Heath (R-31), would allow hunters in Georgia to use lawfully-possessed suppressors on firearms while hunting. Contact your state Representative and urge him or her to support SB 93.
Currently, suppressors are legal to own under federal law and in 39 states. While they do not eliminate the sound of a firearm, suppressors do reduce the muzzle report of the gun much in the same way that a muffler reduces exhaust noise from a car or truck. There are numerous benefits associated with the use of suppressors, including increased accuracy due to reduced recoil and muzzle blast, protection from hearing damage and reduced noise pollution. Increased use of suppressors will help to eliminate noise complaints, which have been used more frequently as an excuse to close shooting ranges, informal shooting areas and hunting lands throughout the country. SB 93 is an essential piece of legislation that will help to protect hunters and hunting lands well into the future.
Most recently, Arizona, Oklahoma, Indiana, North Carolina and Texas adopted new rules allowing for the use of suppressors while hunting. It’s time that hunters in Georgia are able to enjoy the same opportunities available to sportsmen in more than half of the country. For more information on firearms and suppressors, click here.
Your NRA thanks those members of the state Senate who supported and voted yes on this legislation. Senate Bill 93 has been transmitted to the state House of Representatives, where it now awaits committee assignment and consideration. Please contact your state Representative and urge him or her to vote YES on this important pro-hunting bill! Click here for contact information for your state Representative.