Tomorrow, the Kentucky Senate Judiciary Committee is scheduled to hear Senate Bill 106, sponsored by state Senator Jared Carpenter (R-34). SB 106 would strengthen an individual’s ability to defend themselves against another for those persons who have legally sought an Emergency Protection Order (EPO). Additionally, SB 106 would expedite the permitting process by giving almost immediate access to a Concealed Deadly Weapons License (CDWL) to those persons under protection by a court issued protective order, following a background check.
Please call 800-372-7181 to register your support for SB 106.
Senate Judiciary Committee:
Senator Whitney Westerfield (R-3), Chairman
Senator Katie Stine (R-24), Vice Chairman
Senator Perry B. Clark (D-37)
Senator Carroll Gibson (R-5)
Senator Sara Beth Gregory (R-16)
Senator Ray S. Jones II (D-31)
Senator Jerry P. Rhoads (D-6)
Senator John Schickel (R-11)
Senator Dan “Malano” Seum (R-38)
Senator Robert Stivers II (R-25)
Senator Robin L. Webb (D-18)