On Wednesday, the 81st meeting of the West Virginia Legislature got under way and with it began the continued struggle to advance and protect your Second Amendment rights in the Mountain state.
This year, your NRA-ILA hopes to build on the strong pro-gun legislation passed and enacted into law in 2013 and will continue to advance the Second Amendment rights for all law-abiding citizens across West Virginia.
Since adjournment last year, we have been working closely with members in both legislative chambers on both sides of the aisle to craft meaningful legislation that will have positive long-lasting effects on generations of gun owners, shooters and sportsmen. Two important pro-gun bills have already been introduced in the state Senate:
Senate Bill 317, sponsored by state Senator John Unger (D-16), is a statewide firearms preemption bill which would bring Charleston and three other cities that currently have and enforce local gun control ordinances into uniformity with the rest of the state. This bill would establish in statute what the amendment to last year’s Home Rule hoped to accomplish but without the necessity of an "opt in" provision.
Senate Bill 198, also sponsored by state Senator John Unger (D-16), would protect the confidentiality of all current and renewing applicants for deadly weapons permits.
In the coming days and weeks, we fully expect to see a multitude of pro-gun measures introduced. Your NRA will be working tirelessly to advance these and other pro-Second Amendment bills through the 2014 legislative session.
Please stay tuned to your email inbox and www.nraila.org for further updates.