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California: Anti-Gun/Hunting Bills are both Signed into Law and Vetoed by Governor Brown Today

Friday, October 11, 2013

The wait is over for California’s law-abiding gun owners, sportsmen and Second Amendment supporters.  Governor Brown has signed some anti-gun bills and one anti-hunting bill into law.  However, he also vetoed several anti-gun bills.

Below is a list of the bills signed into law and vetoed as well as a link to the respective descriptions given by Governor Brown.

The NRA will be looking over all the recently signed laws and our legal options for law-abiding Californians.

Thanks to NRA members, gun owners, sportsmen and Second Amendment supporters who tirelessly called and e-mailed their state legislators and the Governor urging them to oppose all the anti-gun/hunting legislation. Without your help, the veto actions on some of the deeply flawed anti-gun bills may not have occurred.


Bills Enacted into law:


Assembly Bill 711 (Rendon) makes California the first state in the nation to prohibit the use of all lead ammunition for hunting.  To view Governor Brown’s signing message, click here.


Assembly Bill 48 (Skinner) bans the sale of parts and repair kits capable of creating or converting a magazine to a capacity to hold greater than ten rounds.


Assembly Bill 231 (Ting) expands the law relating to the storage of firearms.


Senate Bill 683 (Block) expands California’s handgun safety certificate requirement to apply to all firearms, and prohibits anyone from purchasing or transferring any firearm without a firearm safety certificate.


Bills Vetoed:


Senate Bill 374 (Steinberg) bans the future sale or transfer of and classify ALL semi-automatic rifles with a detachable magazine or holding more than ten rounds of ammunition as "assault weapons" and the continued legal possession of these newly classified semi-automatics as “assault weapons” would require that you REGISTER and pay a FEE (TAX) on ALL of them.  To view Governor Brown’s veto message, please click here.


Assembly Bill 169 (Dickinson) limits the sale and transfer of all lawfully acquired firearms that were never, or are no longer, on the California roster of approved handguns to two a year and redefines the technical provisions of single short pistols.  To view Governor Brown’s veto message, please click here.


Assembly Bill 180 (Bonta) repeals state firearms preemption by allowing the City of Oakland to enact ordinances that are more restrictive than state laws concerning the registration or licensing of firearms.  To view Governor Brown’s veto message, please click here.


Senate Bill 299 (DeSaulnier) makes it a crime if a victim of firearm theft does not report the theft within seven days.  To view Governor Brown’s veto message, please click here.


Senate Bill 475 (Leno) effectively bans gun shows at the Cow Palace by requiring approval of the board of supervisors of the Counties of San Mateo and San Francisco prior to any gun shows.  To view Governor Brown’s veto message, please click here.


Senate Bill 567 (Jackson) redefines shotguns to include any firearm that may be fired through a rifled bore or a smooth bore, regardless of whether it is designed to be fired from the shoulder.  SB 567 also bans the sale of shotguns encompassed by the revised definitions that have a revolving cylinder, and requires registration of these currently owned shotguns.  To view Governor Brown’s veto message, please click here.


Senate Bill 755 (Wolk) expands the list of persons prohibited from owning a firearm, including persons who have operated cars and boats while they are impaired commonly referred to as DUI.  To view Governor Brown’s veto message, please click here.


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Established in 1975, the Institute for Legislative Action (ILA) is the "lobbying" arm of the National Rifle Association of America. ILA is responsible for preserving the right of all law-abiding individuals in the legislative, political, and legal arenas, to purchase, possess and use firearms for legitimate purposes as guaranteed by the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.