California’s Second Amendment Rights and Hunting Heritage Needs Your Immediate Help – Contact State Senator Marty Block NOW
State Senator Marty Block is a key vote to stopping several anti-gun bills and one anti-hunting bill. He MUST hear your OPPOSITION to these bills TOMORROW, September 5. It is CRITICAL that you express your opposition during this final stretch of the 2013 legislative session in Sacramento. Contact information for Senator Block is provided below.
Assembly Bill 48 (Skinner) bans the sale of parts and repair kits capable of converting magazine capacity to greater than ten rounds. This bill also requires that any person who purchases 6,000 rounds of ammunition within a five-day period be reported to local law enforcement.
Assembly Bill 169 (Dickinson) bans the sale and transfer of all lawfully acquired firearms that were never, or are no longer, on the California roster of approved handguns.
Assembly Bill 180 (Bonta) repeals state firearms preemption by allowing the City of Oakland to enact ordinances that are more restrictive than state laws concerning the registration or licensing of firearms.
Assembly Bill 231 (Ting) expands the law relating to the storage of firearms. This bill does nothing to reduce California's violent crime problem and only turn law-abiding gun owners into criminals whether or not anything harmful actually happens, and regardless of whether there was any misconduct on the part of the gun owner. Ultimately, AB 231 is a misguided proposal that imposes unprecedented liability on those who choose to exercise their fundamental right to keep and bear arms.
Assembly Bill 711 would make California the first state in the nation to prohibit the use of ALL lead ammunition for hunting. Extensive research has shown that traditional lead ammunition does NOT pose a health hazard for hunters. Please communicate these following facts to Senator Block as reasons to OPPOSE AB 711:
- Federal and state health department studies have concluded that lead ammunition is not a human health risk, and a recently released peer reviewed study out of Sweden indicates that there is no human health risk to people who consume wild game harvested with lead ammunition.
- Despite 99% hunter compliance, the AB 821 lead ammunition ban has failed to reduce lead poisoning in condors.
- AB 711 fails to address the alternative sources of lead in the environment that are poisoning condors and other wildlife.
Even if one is not a hunter, recreational shooter or gun owner, those who enjoy nature by bird-watching, hiking or camping benefit from hunting excise tax dollars through the Pittman-Robertson Act. According to the California Department of Finance, AB 711 could cost California $34 MILLION in lost revenue and federal funding, not the $45,000 claimed by lead ammunition ban advocates. That is only the tip of the iceberg. The state Department of Finance figure does not include loss of jobs, reduction in taxes from decreasing hunting-related expenditures or the likely increase in cost to the California Department of Fish and Wildlife to hire more wardens to enforce the lead ammunition ban.
Lead ammunition ban advocates will not stop until all traditional ammunition and hunting is banned across the United States. The President and CEO of the Humane Society of the United States, Wayne Pacelle, has been quoted as saying: “We are going to use the ballot box and the democratic process to stop all hunting in the United States. We will take it species by species until all hunting is stopped in California. Then we will take it state by state.” Californians CANNOT afford to let this happen!
Also be sure to check out’s shocking new video opposing AB 711 and its recent hard-hitting rebuttal to AB 711 sponsor’s alleged “facts” sheet in support of the bill. This video and the rebuttal reveal the truth regarding lead ammunition, and expose the misinformation being spread by the lead ammunition ban proponents in their latest attack on hunters in their campaign to “get the lead out.”
You MUST also remind your family, friends, fellow gun owners, sportsmen and Second Amendment supporters that they must contact state Senator Block also urging him to OPPOSE the above listed bills. The Golden State needs all its law-abiding citizens contacting their state legislators to save the Second Amendment.
Contact Senator Marty Block at (916) 651-4039, by fax at (916) 327-2188 and by e-mail at [email protected].