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California: Two Anti-Gun Bills with Serious Consequences Scheduled to be Heard on Tuesday

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Please contact your state Senator and Senate Committee Members TODAY

 On Tuesday, June 11, two anti-gun bills are scheduled to be heard in the state Senate Public Safety Committee and the Senate Natural Resources and Water Committee.  Both of these bills have already passed in the state Assembly and MUST be stopped in the state Senate.  Please call AND e-mail members of these Senate committees TODAY.  Members of these Senate committees MUST hear that YOU OPPOSE these bills!  Contact information for members of these Senate committees is provided below.


In the state Senate Public Safety Committee:

Assembly Bill 169 (Dickinson) would prohibit the transfer of millions of lawfully owned handguns and jeopardize the continued ownership of constitutionally protected firearms.  Current California law allows handguns that are not on the state Department of Justice (DOJ) approved handgun roster to be sold or transferred to another individual through consignment sale or as a private party transfer, provided that the sale is completed through a licensed firearms retailer.  AB 169 would BAN the sale of ALL handguns (NEW and USED) that are NOT on the DOJ approved roster of "safe" handguns.

There are MILLIONS of handguns that were manufactured and/or purchased prior to the enactment of the DOJ approved handgun roster law.  Most of the handguns lawfully possessed in California today, are not currently on the California Department of Justice (DOJ) approved handgun roster of new handguns that licensed dealers are allowed to sell to the public nor will those handguns ever be allowed to be added to the “approved” roster.  If enacted, AB 169 would leave gun owners who lawfully purchased a handgun with no legal means to sell or transfer their handgun.


In the state Senate Natural Resources and Water Committee:

Assembly Bill 711 (Rendon) would make California the first state in the nation to prohibit the use of lead ammunition for ALL hunting.  Such a ban on traditional ammunition would have devastating effects on hunting and conservation.  You cannot let this happen!  Many hunters would not be able to afford the higher cost of non-traditional ammunition.


Senate Public Safety Committee for AB 169:

Senator Loni Hancock (D-9), Chairman

Office:  (916) 651-4009

Fax: (916) 327-1997

E-mail: [email protected]


Senator Joel Anderson (R-36), Vice Chairman

Office:  (916) 651-4036

Fax: (916) 447-9008

E-mail: [email protected]


Senator Marty Block (D-39)

Office:  (916) 651-4039

Fax: (916) 327-2188

E-mail: [email protected]


Senator Kevin de León (D-22)

Office:  (916) 651-4022

Fax: (916) 327-8817

E-mail: [email protected]


Senator Carol Liu (D-25)

Office:  (916) 651-4025

Fax: (916) 445-3712

E-mail: [email protected]


Senator Darrel Steinberg (D-6)

Office:  (916) 651-4006

Fax: (916) 323-2263

E-mail: [email protected]


Senate Natural Resources and Water Committee for AB 711:

Senator Fran Pavley (D-27), Chairman

Office:  (916) 651-4027

Fax:  (916) 327-9113

Email: [email protected]


Senator Noreen Evans (D-2)

Office:  (916) 651-4002

Fax:  (916) 323-6958

Email: [email protected]


Senator Ben Hueso (D-40)

Office:  (916) 651-4040

Fax:  (916) 327-3522

Email: [email protected]


Senator Hanna-Beth Jackson (D-19)

Office:  (916) 651-4019

Fax:  (916) 324-7544

Email: [email protected]


Senator Ricardo Lara (D-33)

Office:  (916) 651-4033

Fax:  (916) 445-9754

Email: [email protected]


Senator Bill Monning (D-17)

Office:  (916) 651-4017

Fax:  (916) 445-4662

Email: [email protected]


Senator Lois Wolk (D-3)

Office:  (916) 651-4003

Fax:  (916) 445-4722

Email: [email protected]


Please forward this alert to family, friends and sportsmen throughout California because it is going to take a united effort to stop these egregious and misguided legislation.

You can write your representative here urging them to OPPOSE the anti-gun bills listed above.  Please feel free to also copy and paste all the bill information to ensure your state legislators know which bills to OPPOSE.

You can also send a letter to all elected officials in California here.  Please feel free to copy and paste all the bill information above to ensure the elected officials of California know which bills to OPPOSE.

You can also find information about anti-gun and pro-gun legislation in California at www.calnra.com.


Help NRA Get Californians Connected with NRA’s California Resources

 Help the NRA expand its California network to keep all pro-Second Amendment Californians better informed about legislation in Congress, Sacramento, and locally that threatens your right to keep and bear arms, as well as developments in Second Amendment litigation and regulatory enforcement actions.  Please forward this email to your family, friends and fellow gun owners, whether they belong to the NRA or not!  Encourage them to sign up for California NRA’s Stayed Informed e-mails here. And follow NRA through these additional connections:



NRA-ILANRA-ILA CaliforniaNRA – ILA Legal UpdateCalNRA.comCRPA.orgCalGunLaws.comHuntforTruth.org

Facebook PagesNRA’s Facebook pageCalGunLaws.com Facebook pageNRA Members' Councils' Facebook pageHunt for Truth Facebook page

LinkedIn: NRA’s LinkedIn page, YouTube: NRA YouTube, Twitter: NRA TwitterNRA-ILA Twitter, CalNRATwitterCalGunLaws Twitter

The NRA recognizes that California is one of the most active Second Amendment "battleground states," so for decades NRA has devoted substantial resources to fighting for the right to keep and bear arms for Californians. The NRA has full-time legislative advocates in its Sacramento office fighting ill-conceived gun ban proposals. NRA coordinates a statewide campaign to fight ill-conceived local gun bans and regulations. And NRA has been litigating cases in California courts to promote the right to self-defense and the Second Amendment for many years. NRA’s California legal team continues to work pro-actively to strike down ill-conceived gun control laws and ordinances, and to protect the Second Amendment rights of California firearms owners. For information about NRA’s litigation efforts, see www.nraila.org/legal/litigation.aspx


To donate to help support the NRA’s California efforts, please click here.

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Established in 1975, the Institute for Legislative Action (ILA) is the "lobbying" arm of the National Rifle Association of America. ILA is responsible for preserving the right of all law-abiding individuals in the legislative, political, and legal arenas, to purchase, possess and use firearms for legitimate purposes as guaranteed by the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.