This Thursday, April 25, the state Senate Judiciary Committee will hold a hearing on anti-gun bills that will do nothing but criminalize law-abiding citizens. The gun control bills were unveiled earlier this month by Governor Lincoln Chafee, Attorney General Peter Kilmartin and legislative leaders. Previously reported here by the NRA-ILA, these anti-gun proposals would remove Rhode Islanders’ ability to defend themselves and do nothing to address violent crime and public safety. According to the Brady Campaign’s 2011 rankings, Rhode Island already has the 8th toughest gun laws in the nation. State lawmakers should focus on catching and prosecuting real criminals, not targeting law-abiding citizens with misguided and ineffective legislation.
This hearing will take place in Room 313 of the Statehouse after the Senate session concludes for the day. If you are able to attend, please make every effort to join a strong showing of gun owners at the state Capitol for this committee hearing. Contact members of the Senate Judiciary Committee and urge them to oppose all attacks on our Second Amendment rights. The full committee agenda can be viewed here.
While many bills will be heard, below are the most egregious:
Senate Bill 425 – Introduced by state Senators Harold Metts (D-6) and Paul Jabour (D-5), SB 425 would criminalize the possession of a firearm by a minor by removing the “and use” provision in state law. This proposed law – which provides for only limited exceptions – would place honest young hunters and shooters in jeopardy of becoming criminals for simply enjoying our hunting heritage and shooting sports.
Senate Bill 859 – Introduced by state Senators Paul Jabour (D-5), Joshua Miller (D-28), Donna Nesselbush (D-15) and Gayle Goldin (D-3), SB 859 would ban commonly-owned semi-automatic rifles and restrict magazine capacity to 10 rounds. For more information on so-called “assault weapons” and magazine capacity limits, please click here.
Senate Bill 865 – Introduced by state Senators Gayle Goldin (D-3), Donna Nesselbush (D-15) and William Conley (D-18), SB 865 would require all concealed carry permits to be issued by the state Attorney General alone under a “may issue” system and would abolish local law enforcement “shall issue” permits. This is a blatant attempt to undermine the concealed carry permitting system in Rhode Island. This bill also places a heavy financial burden on anyone who wishes to carry by increasing the cost of a permit from $40 to $140.
It is critical that you contact members of the Senate Judiciary Committee TODAY. Urge them to oppose all legislation which would damage the right of law-abiding Rhode Islanders to defend themselves, while doing nothing to stop crime. Please continue to follow NRA-ILA alerts as the companion House bills have been scheduled for a hearing on Wednesday, May 1. This coordinated scheduling is evidence that the anti-gun extremists in Providence are serious about taking your constitutional rights away during the 2013 legislative session.
Senate Judiciary Committee:
Senator Michael J. McCaffrey (D-29), Chairman
(401) 739-7576
Senator Paul V. Jabour (D-5), Vice Chairman
(401) 751-3300
Senator Stephen R. Archambault (D-22)
(401) 276-5599
Senator William J. Conley, Jr. (D-18)
(401) 438-1924
Senator Dawson Tucker Hodgson (R-35)
(401) 203-3256
Senator Frank S. Lombardi (D-26)
(401) 270-1379
Senator Erin P. Lynch (D-31)
(401) 739-8500
Senator Harold M. Metts (D-6)
(401) 272-0112
Senator Donna M. Nesselbush (D-15)
(401) 728-3244
Senator Leonidas P. Raptakis (D-33)
(401) 397-2720