This Friday, April 12, marks the deadline for bills to pass committee in their legislative chamber of origin. Currently, several firearm-related bills await hearings or work sessions. Your action is needed now to advance Assembly Bills 143 and 340, and to stop Senate Bill 221. You can also submit your opinion on Nevada legislation by clicking here and selecting the appropriate bill number.
Assembly Bill 143, introduced by Assemblywoman Michel Fiore (R-4), would allow individuals who hold a CCW permit to carry their firearm on the property of the Nevada System of Higher Education (NSHU) without first gaining permission from the university president, which is currently mandated by statute. It has been a long-held policy within the campus administration to not allow permit holders to carry a firearm, which has created an environment where students, faculty and staff are left defenseless in “gun-free” zones. AB 143 currently awaits consideration by the Assembly Judiciary Committee. Please contact members of the Assembly Judiciary Committee by clicking here. Urge them to schedule AB 143 for a work session and to pass it in committee before this Friday.
Assembly Bill 340, introduced by Assemblyman John Hambrick (R-2), would provide for the uniform regulation of firearms in Nevada. This NRA-supported bill has been referred to the Assembly Committee on Government Affairs, but has not yet been scheduled for a hearing. Please contact these Committee members and urge them to schedule AB 340 for a hearing and pass it in committee before Friday’s deadline. Assembly Government Affairs Committee members contact information can be found by clicking here.
Senate Bill 221 is an NRA-opposed bill introduced by state Senator Justin Jones (D-9). The work session for this legislation was originally scheduled for April 9 but has been changed to tomorrow, April 11. SB 221 seeks to criminalize private transfers of firearms. This bill would require that a background check be conducted by the Central Repository for Nevada Records of Criminal History or by a federally licensed firearms dealer for every private transfer of a firearm to a person who does not possess a valid concealed weapons permit (CCW). This type of legislation is dangerous as it clearly targets only law-abiding gun owners and can only be enforced with gun registration. Please contact members of the Senate Health and Human Services Committee and urge them to oppose SB 221, and instead support legislation that would make meaningful improvements to Nevada’s firearm laws. Committee member contact informationcan be found below. For more information on how to testify or submit testimony, please click here.
Senate Health and Human Services Committee:
Senator Justin C. Jones (D-9), Chairman
Senator Debbie Smith (D-13), Vice Chairman
Senator Tick Segerblom (D-3)
Senator Joseph P. Hardy (R-12)
Senator Ben Kieckhefer (R-16)