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Kansas: Contact Your State Legislators in Support of Pro-Gun Reforms

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

The Kansas House Federal and State Affairs Committee considered a pro-gun reform this week that would expand the rights of law-abiding gun owners.  Senate Bill 21, introduced by the Senate Federal and State Affairs Committee, would make a number of technical, but significant improvements to the state Right-to-Carry laws.  SB 21 is now awaiting a vote in the House Federal and State Affairs Committee.

SB 21 is a Right-to-Carry reform that would make a number of important changes.  The most substantial change would allow for universal recognition of non-resident carry permits.  In other words, any law-abiding visitor from out-of-state with a valid state-issued carry permit would be allowed to carry a concealed handgun in Kansas.  This change would not only benefit concealed carry permit holders in other states but it will also make it more likely that other states will recognize Kansas’ carry permit.

Also under SB 21, new Kansas residents who hold a valid concealed carry permit from their previous state of residence would be able to instantly apply for a Kansas permit instead of waiting to acquire their official Kansas resident status.  New residents would be granted a temporary “180-day receipt” to carry on their old permit while their application is considered and processed.  The state Attorney General would also be able to create a list of states which meet or exceed Kansas’ requirements and that would automatically qualify for recognition for issuance of a Kansas permit.

SB 21 is awaiting a vote in committee which could be as early as next week.  Please contact members of this committee and politely urge them to support this pro-gun reform when it comes up for a vote.

House Federal and State Affairs Committee:

Representative Arlen Siegfried - Chairman

Phone: 785 368-7166
Email :[email protected]

Representative Steve Brunk – Vice Chairman

Phone: 785 296-7645
Email: [email protected]

Representative Louis Ruiz

Phone: 785 296-7122
Email: [email protected]

Representative Larry Campbell

Phone: 785 296-7632
Email: [email protected]

Representative J.R. Claeys

Phone: 785 296-7670
Email: [email protected]

Representative Susan Concannon

Phone: 785 296-7677
Email: [email protected]

Representative Ken Corbet

Phone: 785 296-7679
Email: [email protected]

Representative Travis Couture-Lovelady

Phone: 785 296-4683
Email: [email protected]

Representative Willie Dove

Phone: 785 296-7670
Email: [email protected]

Representative John Ewy

Phone: 785 296-7105
Email: [email protected]

Representative Shanti Ghandi

Phone: 785 296-7672
Email: [email protected]

Representative Broderick Henderson

Phone: 785 296-7697
Email: [email protected]

Representative Brett Hildabrand

Phone: 785 296-7659
Email: [email protected]

Representative Michael Houser

Phone: 785 296-7679
Email: [email protected]

Representative Robert Montgomery

Phone: 785 296-7677
Email: [email protected]

Representative Emily Perry

Phone: 785 296-7669
Email: [email protected]

Representative Mike Peterson

Phone: 785 296-7371
Email: [email protected]

Representative Reid Petty

Phone: 785 296-7676
Email: [email protected]

Representative Marty Read

Phone: 785 296-7310
Email: [email protected]

Representative Allan Rothlisberg

Phone: 785 296-7653
Email: [email protected]

Representative Annie Tietze

Phone: 785 296-7668
Email: [email protected]

Representative Ponka-We Victors

Phone: 785 296-7651
Email: [email protected]

Representative Troy Waymaster

Phone: 785 296-7672
Email: [email protected]

Another bill of interest to sportsmen and hunters and Kansas was filed yesterday.  Senate Bill 223, introduced by the Senate Ways and Means Committee, would allow all hunters the opportunity to use a crossbow during big game archery season.  This bill would help increase hunter participation and preserve Kansas’ rich hunting heritage at a time when hunter numbers are rapidly declining across the country.  It has been shown that older hunters tend to remain in the hunting ranks many decades longer if they are allowed to use a crossbow, giving them more time to help recruit the next generation of hunters.  Also, youngsters who lack the physical strength to adequately draw and shoot vertical archery equipment are able to participate in the archery season at an earlier age.  At this time, SB 223 has yet to be assigned a hearing date, but please stay tuned to www.nraila.org for updates.

Kansas Right-To-Carry crossbows
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Established in 1975, the Institute for Legislative Action (ILA) is the "lobbying" arm of the National Rifle Association of America. ILA is responsible for preserving the right of all law-abiding individuals in the legislative, political, and legal arenas, to purchase, possess and use firearms for legitimate purposes as guaranteed by the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.