Tomorrow, the House Judiciary Committee is scheduled to hear House Bill 76, sponsored by state Representative John Mathis (R-55). HB 76 would allow any person, 21 years of age or older who can lawfully own and possess a firearm, to carry it concealed without a permit. This hearing is scheduled to begin at 2:00 p.m. in House Hearing Room 20.
The following bills are also scheduled to be heard tomorrow by the House Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice Committee at 2:00 p.m. in House Hearing Room 25:
House Bill 287, sponsored by state Representative Kevin Stratton (R-48), would require a law enforcement agency to return a firearm in its possession to the legal owner within a certain time period upon proof of ownership.
For firearms used in court proceedings, law enforcement agencies would be required to determine the true legal owner of the firearm and return it within thirty days of the court proceedings concluding. Firearms not used in court proceedings shall be returned to the rightful owner within thirty days of them submitting proof of ownership.
House Bill 268, sponsored by state Representative Paul Ray (R-13), would provide that, in the absence of threatening behavior, the otherwise lawful possession of a firearm, whether visible or concealed, does not constitute a violation of Disorderly Conduct.
There has been a problem in Utah with some jurisdictions arresting people for open carry when it is clearly NOT prohibited by statute. These jurisdictions have sought creative ways to harass law-abiding firearm owners who are legally carrying unconcealed firearms for self-defense. HB 268 would remove one of the ploys (charging the person with Disorderly Conduct) being used by some jurisdictions within Utah to circumvent state law and the Utah Constitution in an attempt to go after these law-abiding firearm owners.
If your state Representative serves on the House Judiciary Committee or the House Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice Committee, please contact him or her TODAY and ask that they support HB 76, HB 287, and HB 268. To find your state Representative, please click here. Contact information for members of both House committees is provided below:
House Judiciary Committee:
Representative Kay L. McIff (R-70), Chairman
Representative Lee B Perry (R-29), Vice-Chairman
Representative Patrice M. Arent (D-36)
Representative LaVar Christensen (R-32)
Representative Brian Greene (R-57)
Representative Craig Hall (R-33)
Representative Eric Hutchings (R-38)
Representative Brian King (D-28)
Representative V. Lowry Snow (R)
House Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice Committee:
Representative Curtis Oda (R-14), Chairman
Representative Richard A. Greenwood (R-12), Vice-Chairman
Representative Derek Brown (R-49)
Representative Keith Grover (R-61)
Representative Don Ipson (R-75)
Representative Dana Layton (R-60)
Representative Paul Ray (R-13)
Representative Edward Redd (R-4)
Representative Jennifer Seelig (D-23)
Representative Keven J. Stratton (R-48)
Representative Mark A. Wheatley (D-35)