S. 308, a Restaurant Carry Bill introduced by state Senator Sean Bennett (R-38), is scheduled to be heard on Wednesday, February 13, in a Senate Judiciary Subcommittee. This critical reform will remove the prohibition on a Concealed Weapon Permit (CWP) holder carrying a concealed firearm into a restaurant licensed to serve alcohol. The permit holder would still be prohibited from consuming alcohol while in the restaurant if he or she is carrying a concealed firearm for personal protection. This hearing will be held at 10:00 AM in Room 105 of the Gressette Building located at 1101 Pendleton Street in Columbia.
Please contact members of this subcommittee and urge them to support S. 308:
Chairman—Senator Shane Massey (R-25)
Member—Senator Sean Bennett (R-38)
Member—Senator Creighton Coleman (D-17)