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Montana: Multiple Pro-Gun Bills to be Heard Next Week

Friday, February 8, 2013

Next week, several pro-gun measures will be heard in committee.  It is critical that you contact your state Representative TODAY and, using the information provided below, urge him or her to support and vote for those bills listed below.

House Bill 240, sponsored by state Representative Cary Smith (R-55), is known as the “Higher Education Rights Restoration Act.”  Among other constitutional protections, this bill would limit the authority of the Board of Regents and University System to regulate firearms.  HB 240 is scheduled to be heard by the House Judiciary Committee on Tuesday, January 12, at 8:00 a.m. in hearing room 137.

The following bills, sponsored by state Representative Krayton Kerns (R-58), are scheduled to be heard by the House Judiciary Committee on Wednesday, February 13, at 8:00 a.m. in hearing room 137:

House Bill 205 would legalize the use of suppressors for all hunting. For more information on firearms and suppressors, click here.

House Bill 304 would eliminate the need for a concealed weapon permit within city limits, which is already the law outside city limits. HB 304 would only apply to individuals who are “eligible to possess a handgun under state or federal law.”

House Bill 358 would allow concealed weapon permit holders to carry a concealed firearm in banks, government buildings, restaurants and other places that serve alcohol; open carrying is currently allowed in these places.

Additionally, House Bill 384, sponsored by state Representative Jerry O’Neil (R-3), was heard today by the House Judiciary Committee. This bill would provide clarification for suspension and expulsion procedures, and also provide that a firearm locked in a vehicle on school grounds does not constitute possession. This is an important legislative fix and protection for students who have firearms in their vehicles for hunting and shooting sport purposes. Action could be taken on this bill soon.


Please contact members of the House Judiciary Committee TODAY and express your support for the abovementioned bills.  You can contact the entire Committee at once by clicking here and selecting “House Judiciary” from the committee drop down list.  Contact information for these committee members can also be found below.


Lastly, House Bill 223, sponsored by state Representative Mike Miller (R-84), would exempt non-profit shooting ranges from property tax.  HB 223 is scheduled to be heard by the House Taxation Committee on Thursday, February 14, at 9:00 a.m. in hearing room 152.  Please contact members of the House Taxation Committee and express your support for HB 223.  You can contact the entire committee at once by clicking here and selecting “House Taxation” from the committee drop down list.


The NRA is pleased that Senate Bill 145, introduced by state Senator Frederick Moore (R-20), passed in the state Senate by a 37-13 vote on January 31, and has now been transmitted to the House.  We would like to thank all who contacted your state Senators regarding this important concealed weapon permit confidentiality bill.  SB 145 has not yet been assigned to a House committee.


Another pro-gun bill has advanced; House Bill 27, introduced by state Representative Ted Washburn (R-69), passed in the state House of Representatives by a 63-33 vote on February 6 and has been transmitted to the Senate.  HB 27 would authorize the use of suppressors while hunting wolves after the general deer and elk season.  This bill has not yet been assigned to a Senate committee.


Yesterday, Senate Bill 197, sponsored by state Senator Scott Boulanger (R-44), was reported by the Senate Fish and Game Committee by a 9-1 vote.  SB 197 would establish an apprentice hunting certificate program that allows individuals of any age to learn the art of hunting while under the supervision of a mentor before completing a hunter education course.  For more information on this bill, please see our previous alert.  SB 197 will now head to the Senate floor.  Please contact your state Senator TODAY and express you support for this important pro-hunting measure.


Please click here to determine your state Senator and Representative and  access their contact information.



House Judiciary Committee:


Representative Krayton Kerns (R-58), Chairman

(406) 697-6449

Legislator Online Messaging Form


Representative Jerry Bennett (R-1), Vice Chairman

(406) 293-7012

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Representative Margaret MacDonald (D-54), Vice Chairman

(406) 698-4917

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Representative Mark Blasdel (R-10)

(406) 261-3269

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Representative Virginia Court (D-52)

(406) 259-5099

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Representative Alan Doane (R-38)

(406) 583-7546

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Representative Jennifer Eck (D-82)

(406) 459-1082

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Representative Clayton Fiscus (R-46)

(406) 860-6400

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Representative Jenifer Gursky (D-98)

(406) 249-9172

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Representative David Halvorson (R-37)

(406) 482-2568

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Representative Ellie Boldman Hill (D-94)

(406) 218-9608

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Representative Sarah Laszloffy (R-57)

(406) 530-7013

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Representative Dennis R Lenz (R-50)

(406) 671-7052

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Representative Ryan Lynch (D-74)

(406) 498-6625

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Representative Jerry O'Neil (R-3)

(406) 892-7602

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Representative Carolyn Pease-Lopez (D-42)

(406) 245-2265

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Representative Keith Regier (R-5)

(406) 756-6141

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Representative Bridget Smith (D-31)

(406) 653-1234

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Representative Kirk Wagoner (R-77)

(406) 465-8291

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Representative Wendy Warburton (R-34)

(406) 444-4800

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Established in 1975, the Institute for Legislative Action (ILA) is the "lobbying" arm of the National Rifle Association of America. ILA is responsible for preserving the right of all law-abiding individuals in the legislative, political, and legal arenas, to purchase, possess and use firearms for legitimate purposes as guaranteed by the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.