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Georgia: Important NRA-Backed Bills Introduced This Week

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Two NRA-backed bills of importance to Georgia gun owners, sportsmen and Second Amendment supporters, were introduced this week:

Senate Bill 101, sponsored by state Senator Frank Ginn (R-47), was introduced and referred to the Senate Judiciary Non-Civil Committee for consideration.  This comprehensive bill takes steps to ensure protection and fortification of our Second Amendment rights.  SB 101, if passed and enacted into law, would make the following changes:

  • Repeals the state licensing requirement for Federal Firearm License (FFL) holders.  These lawful dealers are already subject to extensive federal oversight and state law only imposes unnecessary and duplicative administrative fees and requirements.
  • Prohibits public housing authorities in Georgia from prohibiting or restricting a tenant from lawfully owning or possessing a firearm.  This would ensure that citizens who reside in public housing are treated fairly under the law and afforded the same opportunity to exercise their constitutional right to self-defense as citizens who own or rent their own homes.
  • Grants full recognition to a person licensed to carry a handgun in any other state to carry in compliance with state law while visiting Georgia.  This legislation would ensure that the right to self-defense does not end at the Georgia state line.

Senate Bill 93, sponsored by Senator Bill Heath (R-31), was introduced and referred to the Senate Natural Resources and the Environment Committee for consideration.  SB 93 would allow hunters in Georgia to use lawfully-possessed suppressors (also referred to as silencers) on firearms while hunting.

Currently, more than half of the states allow hunters to use suppressors while hunting.  There are numerous benefits to hunting with suppressed firearms, including:

  • Increased use of suppressors will help to eliminate noise complaints that are frequently an excuse to close hunting lands throughout the country.  This will protect hunting areas well into the future.
  • Using a suppressor while hunting will reduce recoil and muzzle rise to help increase the accuracy of hunters.  More accurate shooting in the field means fewer wounded and lost animals--a good thing for hunters and wildlife.
  • Hearing protection is not necessary with suppressed gunfire, so hunters will be able to protect their long-term hearing.  Hunters often fail to use ear plugs or similar devices in many field applications, creating permanent hearing damage and tinnitus.

Recently, Arizona, Oklahoma and Texas adopted new rules allowing for use of suppressors when hunting game.  It’s time that hunters in Georgia are able to enjoy the same opportunities available to sportsmen in more than half of the country.  For more information on firearms and suppressors, click here.

SB 101 and SB 93 are critical to your Right to Keep and Bear Arms and hunting heritage in Georgia.  Contact your state Senator TODAY and urge him or her to support this NRA-backed legislation.  Click here to view contact information for your state Senator.

MA Supreme Judicial Court Holds Old Nonresident Carry Licensing Scheme Unconstitutional But Upholds New Law

Wednesday, March 12, 2025

MA Supreme Judicial Court Holds Old Nonresident Carry Licensing Scheme Unconstitutional But Upholds New Law

On March 11, the Supreme Judicial Court of Massachusetts issued two decisions concerning the Commonwealth’s firearms carry licensing scheme for nonresidents.

Oregon Court Of Appeals Reverses Lower Court Decision, Lifts Hold on Ballot Measure 114

Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Oregon Court Of Appeals Reverses Lower Court Decision, Lifts Hold on Ballot Measure 114

On Wednesday, March 12th, the Oregon Court of Appeals reversed a lower court decision that had declared unconstitutional Ballot Measure 114, which imposed a permit-to-purchase scheme and banned the possession of magazines capable of holding more than 10 rounds of ammunition. ...

NRA Statement on President Trump’s Executive Order Protecting Second Amendment Rights


Second Amendment  

Friday, February 7, 2025

NRA Statement on President Trump’s Executive Order Protecting Second Amendment Rights

Today, the White House announced a new Executive Order to protect and expand the Second Amendment rights of all law-abiding Americans. This is the first action taken by President Donald J. Trump to carry through ...

New Mexico: Semi-Auto Ban Legislation Held Over in Committee Until Friday

Thursday, March 6, 2025

New Mexico: Semi-Auto Ban Legislation Held Over in Committee Until Friday

Yesterday the New Mexico Senate Judiciary Committee met to continue discussions on Senate Bill 279 (GoSAFE). The author did not accept the committee substitute to amend the near all-encompassing ban on semi-auto firearms with equally ...

Washington: Gun-Free Zone Expansion Bill Scheduled for Hearing on Tuesday

Friday, March 14, 2025

Washington: Gun-Free Zone Expansion Bill Scheduled for Hearing on Tuesday

On Tuesday, March 18th, the House Committee on Civil Rights & Judiciary will hold a public hearing on Senate Bill 5098, a gun-free zone expansion bill. The hearing has been set for 10:30AM.

New Mexico: Anti-Gun Extremists Introduce Sweeping Gun Ban

Wednesday, February 5, 2025

New Mexico: Anti-Gun Extremists Introduce Sweeping Gun Ban

As they have tried in the past, anti-gun radicals in the New Mexico Senate have introduced Senate Bill 279, the "GOSAFE Act," a near all-encompassing ban on semi-automatic and NFA firearms.

Colorado: FOID Bill Passes House Judiciary With More Amendments

Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Colorado: FOID Bill Passes House Judiciary With More Amendments

Yesterday, March 11th, Senate Bill 25-003 underwent another transformation during a late-night hearing in the House Judiciary committee, ultimately passing with amendments along a party-line vote. 

New Mexico Supreme Court Upholds Governor’s “Public Health Emergency” Carry Ban in NRA Challenge

Saturday, March 8, 2025

New Mexico Supreme Court Upholds Governor’s “Public Health Emergency” Carry Ban in NRA Challenge

In 2023, New Mexico Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham issued an executive order declaring gun violence a “public health emergency” and banning the carry of firearms in various locations throughout the state.

Florida: Pro-Gun Bills Advance in House and Senate Committees

Thursday, March 13, 2025

Florida: Pro-Gun Bills Advance in House and Senate Committees

This week, the Florida House and Senate Criminal Justice Committees passed multiple pro-gun bills: House Bill 759 restores the ability for young adults to acquire firearms, Senate Bill 952 and House Bill 6025 are companion bills that further protect our Second Amendment Rights ...

Red Flag Laws: The Pop-Tart Gun to Prison Pipeline?


Monday, March 10, 2025

Red Flag Laws: The Pop-Tart Gun to Prison Pipeline?

Several years ago, a seven-year-old boy was suspended from school for chewing his breakfast pastry into the shape of a gun and pretending to fire it at his second grade classmates. A school official stated the child ...


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Established in 1975, the Institute for Legislative Action (ILA) is the "lobbying" arm of the National Rifle Association of America. ILA is responsible for preserving the right of all law-abiding individuals in the legislative, political, and legal arenas, to purchase, possess and use firearms for legitimate purposes as guaranteed by the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.