On Tuesday, January 22, the Glendale City Council voted 4 to 1 for the City Attorney to draft an ordinance banning gun shows on city-owned property, in effect banning the two-decade old Glendale Gun Show that has not had any problems during that time. This fight is not over. The draft is expected to return for review and a final vote in February or March. The NRA will keep you posted on the date of this next city council vote on this onerous anti-gun ordinance. In the meantime, please continue to call AND e-mail members of the city council respectfully urging them to OPPOSE the banning of the Glendale Gun Show and to not penalize law-abiding gun owners for the acts of criminals.
Even though the gun ban ordinance is not law, the city council is already acting like it is and has agreed to allow the Glendale Gun Show to continue as scheduled March 2-3.
Councilman Ara Najarian was the only council member to oppose this egregious proposed ordinance. Please also call and e-mail Councilman Najarian and thank him for supporting law-abiding gun owners and to please continue that support. Councilman Najarian can be reached by phone at (818) 548-4844 and by e-mail at anajarian@ci.glendale.ca.us.
The below council members supported the drafting of the anti-gun ordinance banning the Glendale Gun Show. The telephone number to reach the City Council is (818) 548-4844.
Frank Quintero, Mayor, fquintero@ci.glendale.ca.us
Laura Friedman, Council Member, lfriedman@ci.glendale.ca.us
Rafi Manoukian, Council Member, manoukiancouncil@gmail.com
Dave Weaver, Council Member, dweaver@ci.glendale.ca.us