If you own a semi-automatic firearm or detachable magazine, they may be banned and you could become a felon unless you act NOW
As the Illinois Senate convenes this afternoon for its Lame Duck session, anti-gun legislators led by Senate President John Cullerton and backed by Governor Patrick Quinn (D) are deceptively trying to sneak through a sweeping draconian gun and magazine ban in Springfield. In their last days as lawmakers (some were defeated for reelection and others retiring), these legislators are attempting to quietly trample on the rights of all law-abiding gun owners in Illinois. The many restrictions contained in this legislation are subject to changes, however, this latest attack on your Second Amendment rights as currently drafted would turn law-abiding owners into felons for possession of nearly all common semi-automatic firearms or detachable magazines. Not only would such a ban include classic firearms like the 1911 and common handguns like Glocks, this ban would also outlaw common hunting guns like the Ruger 10/22 and Remington 740 series.
It is imperative that you contact your state Senator IMMEDIATELY to express your opposition and continue to do so every day this week. The Lame Duck session starts today and ends on January 9, so this legislation will be moving at lightning speed in both the Senate and House, with very little time to spare. At this time, it is rumored that both the semi-auto and magazine ban bills will be sent to the Executive Committee this afternoon. Please contact those members (listed below) as well as your state Senator. Your telephone calls will determine the outcome of this assault on your Second Amendment rights.
Anti-gun politicians are attempting to sacrifice your constitutional rights as a scapegoat for the criminal acts of lunatics and violence in Chicago by gangs and drug dealers. Don't let them succeed in banning your firearms or magazines as an excuse for stopping criminals from misusing them. Criminals -- by definition -- violate laws, especially gun control laws, including often: murder, rape, robbery, drug-dealing, gang violence, firearm theft, carrying concealed firearms without a license/permit, federal gun-free school zones. They do not obey gun bans, register their firearms, or get subjected to any gun control schemes (like the lone state ban on carrying concealed firearms for self-defense) that only affect and penalize law-abiding citizens like you.
The NRA-ILA will continue to send legislative updates as details become available. However, it is of the utmost importance that you act NOW to stop this gun and magazine ban. Call your state Senator and members of the Executive Committee IMMEDIATELY and express your opposition to banning firearms or magazines.
To reach the main line for the Illinois General Assembly, please call 217-782-2000.
Contact information for your state legislators can be found by clicking here.
Senate Executive Committee:
Senator Don Harmon, Chairman, (D-39)
(217) 782-8176
Senator Ira Silverstein, Vice Chairman, (D-8)
(217) 782-5500
Senator James F. Clayborne, Jr., (D-57)
(217) 782 5399
Senator Maggie Crotty, (D-19)
(217) 782-9595
Senator John J. Cullerton, Senate President (D-6)
(217) 782-2728
Senator Kimberly A. Lightford, (D-4)
(217) 782-8505
Senator Antonio Munoz, (D-1)
(217) 782-9415
Senator Jeffrey M. Schoenberg, (D-9)
(217) 782-2119
Senator Donne E. Trotter (D-17)
(217) 782-3201
Senator Dale A. Righter, Minority Spokesperson, (R-55)
(217) 782-6674
Senator William E. Brady, (R-44)
(217) 782-6216
Senator John O. Jones, (R-54)
(217) 782-0471
Senator David S. Luechtefeld, (R-58)
(217) 782-8137
Senator Matt Murphy, (R-27)
(217) 782-4471
Senator Christine Radogno, (R-41)
(217) 782-9407