The Dorchester County Council is in the process of approving a new ordinance regulating the discharge of firearms in parts of Dorchester County. This proposed ordinance would make it illegal to discharge any firearm within 500 feet of a public road in certain zoning districts. The County Council will meet on Monday, October 1, when it will likely vote on final passage of this proposal.
It is critical that the Dorchester County Council hear from safe, responsible gun owners and sportsmen who oppose this poorly-crafted ordinance. Contact information for County Council members can be found here. |
Please plan to attend the County Council meeting on Monday, October 1 and show your opposition to this ordinance. This meeting is scheduled to begin at 7:00 p.m., and will be held at the Kenneth F. Waggoner Services Center, County Council Chambers, located at 201 Johnston Street, St. George.
This proposed ordinance provides exceptions for “law enforcement officials and military personnel in the performance of their duties,” as well as for “a person operating a ‘shooting range’” as defined under South Carolina law. There are, however, no exceptions mentioned for people discharging a firearm for personal protection, or for people who are otherwise lawfully hunting. Nor is there an exception for people who do not have a shooting range recognized under South Carolina law, but who may occasionally use their private property in a safe, responsible manner for recreational shooting.
In addition to contacting Dorchester County Council members, it is important that you also contact state Representatives and Senators whose districts include part of Dorchester County, and express your concerns regarding this action by the County Council.
Dorchester County Senate Delegation:
Dorchester County House Delegation:
House Speaker Robert Harrell (HD-114)
Representative Jenny Horne (HD-94)