On March 10th, the Virtual Jeep Club of Arizona is sponsoring a clean-up of the Table Mesa Recreation Area, just north of Phoenix at I-17 and Table Mesa Road (exit 236). Table Mesa is a popular destination for recreationists and one of the most popular recreational shooting locations in the Phoenix metro area. Unfortunately not all recreationists who use Table Mesa pack out what they pack in so volunteers are periodically needed to help pick up trash.
The clean-up will start at 8 a.m. and end sometime around 1 p.m. The Club is hoping to have 100 volunteers come out. The NRA encourages all shooters and hunters who use Table Mesa to help in this effort. Volunteers are encouraged to bring water, sunscreen, a hat, gloves, and any food they would like to eat. If you have it, please wear your NRA hat or other clothing with NRA’s insignia to let people know you are a NRA member.
The Club will be hosting a raffle with prizes that were donated for this event. People can contact the BLM Park Ranger Jason Blomberg with any questions, at [email protected] or 623-580-5572