Please contact members of the House Judiciary Committee TODAY!
House Bill 1508, introduced by state Representatives Dean Takko (D-19), Tim Probst (D-17), and Kevin Van De Wege (D-24), will be heard in the House Judiciary Committee this Thursday, January 12, at 10:00 a.m. in Hearing Room A of the John L. O'Brien Building in Olympia.
Shooting ranges are critical to competitive and recreational shooters, hunters, law enforcement, and for individuals who just want to practice for self-defense. Shooting ranges should be both accessible and affordable for everyone. Washington is one of only two states that does not have some form of a range protection law. There are currently several shooting ranges in Washington that are facing legal battles and burdensome regulations, which if not addressed, could result in their closure.
HB 1508 would ensure that shooting ranges are protected against civil liability and criminal charges related to noise pollution. Furthermore, this bill states that rules that regulate noise in the “outdoor atmosphere do not apply to a sport shooting range.”
We must create a groundswell of support for this much-needed legislation. Please contact your state Representative today and respectfully urge him or her to support House Bill 1508. You can reach your state Representative at the toll-free legislative hotline by dialing (800) 562-6000. To determine who is your state Representative, please click here.
If your state Representative serves on the House Judiciary Committee, it is very important for you to contact him or her directly TODAY. Members of the House Judiciary Committee are listed below:
Representative Jamie Pedersen, Chairman (D-43)
(360) 786-7826
Representative Roger E. Goodman, Vice Chairman (D-45)
(360) 786-7878
Representative Bruce Chandler (R-15)
(360) 786-7960
Representative Deborah H. Eddy (D-48)
(360) 786-7848
Representative Drew Hansen (D-23)
(360) 786-7842
Representative Steve Kirby (D-29)
(360) 786-7996
Representative Brad Klippert (R-8)
(360) 786-7882
Representative Terry Nealey (R-16)
(360) 786-7828
Representative Tina Orwall (D-33)
(360) 786-7834
Representative Ann Rivers (R-18)
(360) 786-7850
Representative Mary Helen Roberts (D-21)
(360) 786-7950
Representative Jay Rodne (R-5)
(360) 786-7852
Representative Matt Shea (R-4)
(360) 786-7984