On November 4, Governor Scott Walker signed two pro-hunting bills into law which will take effect in advance of opening day of hunting season this year.
Senate Bill 75 provides common sense legislation to eliminate the Department of Natural Resources’ unnecessary restrictions on hunters, anglers and trappers seeking to improve Wisconsin’s rich hunting heritage. The Earn-a-Buck program will be removed and hunters will no longer be forced to fill their antlerless tag before tagging a buck.
Also, Senate Bill 228 will protect hunters from breaking the law by simply allowing uncased and unloaded firearms, bows and crossbows to be in their motor vehicles. This common sense legislation keeps hunters from being penalized for doing something quite practical and safe, while improving the appeal of hunting all over the state.
Please contact Governor Walker and thank him for his continued support of Wisconsin’s sportsmen by signing SB 75 and SB 228 into law. To contact the Governor, e-mail him at govgeneral@wisconsin.gov.