The battle to legalize Sunday hunting in Pennsylvania has come to a critical point and your help is essential. State lawmakers have reported that they are not hearing from constituents who want their hunting freedoms restored. Many are using this as an excuse to justify their opposition. Your action today must change their impressions! Every single contact with a legislator makes a difference. Rest assured that the opponents are making their voices heard.
This prohibition is an old “blue law” remaining in only six states. The addition of this extra weekend day in the field dramatically increases a person’s opportunity to enjoy our hunting heritage. This will invigorate essential hunter recruitment and retention efforts. Some are concerned that allowing Sunday hunting will lead more land owners to prohibit all hunting. This did not occur in other states that have lifted these archaic bans and it won’t happen here.
Sunday hunting will also bring a much-needed economic boost to rural areas. Comprehensive research from the National Shooting Sports Foundation shows that allowing hunting on Sundays in Pennsylvania would generate a total annual economic impact estimated at $764 million and create more than 8,000 jobs.
This Thursday, October 27, the state House Game and Fisheries Committee will have a public hearing on House Bill 1760, which would remove the statutory prohibition on Sunday hunting. Please contact members of this committee TODAY and urge them to support ending the prohibition on Sunday hunting. Contact information for committee members can be found here.
You must make yourself heard in order to counter those who oppose this critical expansion of hunting opportunity!