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California: Final Week of the 2011 Legislative Session

Monday, September 5, 2011

Continue to contact your state Senator and Assembly Member TODAY!

The 2011 California legislative session will adjourn this Friday, and your calls and e-mails are needed now more than ever to help stop anti-gun bills from being passed. Below is a list of all of the pending firearm-related bills, their status and what action needs to be taken.

Anti-gun bill AB 809 (long gun registration) is on its final reading and could be considered on the Senate floor tomorrow.  CALL and E-MAIL your state Senator urging him or her to OPPOSE this bill.

Anti-gun bill AB 144 (open carry of a firearm ban) is scheduled for its second reading in the state Senate tomorrow.  CALL and E-MAIL your state Senator and urge him or her to OPPOSE this bill.

Anti-gun bill SB 427 (local licensing of handgun ammunition sellers and expands the definition of armor-piercing ammunition) is on its third reading and could be considered on the Assembly floor tomorrow.  CALL and E-MAIL your state Assembly Member urging him or her to OPPOSE this bill.

Anti-gun bill SB 124 (registration of all ammunition and ban on mail order and internet sales) is in the Assembly Appropriations Committee.  CALL and E-MAIL members of the Assembly Appropriations Committee and urge them to OPPOSE this bill.

Anti-gun bill SB 798 (BB and Air gun regulation) is expected to be heard in the Assembly Public Safety Committee tomorrow. CALL and E-MAIL members of the Assembly Public Safety Committee urging them to OPPOSE this bill.

Anti-gun bill SB 819 (Reallocation of Dealer Record of Sales (DROS) funds) has been sent to the Governor.  CALL and E-MAIL Governor Jerry Brown urging him to VETO this bill.

The NRA-backed pro-gun bill SB 610 (Right to Carry application process reform) has been sent to the Governor. CALL and E-MAIL Governor Jerry Brown urging him to SIGN INTO LAW this bill.

Contact information for your state Senator to OPPOSE AB 809 and AB 144 can be found here.

Contact information for your state Assembly Member to OPPOSE SB 427 can be found here.

Contact information for the Assembly Appropriations Committee to OPPOSE SB 124 can be found here

Contact information for the Assembly Public Safety Committee to OPPOSE SB 798 can be found here.

Contact information for Governor Brown to VETO SB 819 and SIGN SB 610 can be found here.

Please forward this alert to your family, friends and fellow gun owners in California and urge them to also call their state legislators.

 Please see below for an explanation of all the bills listed above:

Assembly Bill 809 (OPPOSE) would require the registration of long guns and is a direct assault on gun rights.  The only value of registration is to help governments confiscate firearms in the future.  Not only does AB 809 violate Second Amendment rights, but it expands the registry to include rifles and shotguns. It would also be a huge waste of taxpayer money at a time when California is drowning in debt.  Gun control advocates estimate the cost of this registration at $400,000, a number that is almost certainly far less than it will actually cost to implement and enforce this registry if enacted.

Assembly Bill 144 (OPPOSE) would ban the open carrying of an unloaded handgun.  In reality, the open carrying of firearms by law-abiding citizens is caused by California’s unfair concealed carry laws, which allow citizens from one county to apply for and receive a permit while neighbors in the next county are denied that basic right in an arbitrary manner.

Senate Bill 427 (OPPOSE) would grant authority to law enforcement to collect sales records from ammunition retailers, require ammunition vendors to notify local law enforcement of their intention to engage in the business of selling ammunition AND include a list of “calibers” which would have to be registered at the point-of-purchase.  This would include ammunition popular among hunters and collectors that has no association with crime. This point-of-sale registration of all ammunition purchases in the state would be available for inspection by the California Department of Justice at any time.  If enacted, SB 427 would add significant costs to the state, in terms of enforcement and lost sales tax revenue by driving business out-of-state.

Senate Bill 124 (OPPOSE) would create a broadly expanded and technically flawed definition of handgun ammunition which would encompass virtually all rifle cartridges, ban the possession of many types of rifle cartridges and make it a felony to possess them, require the registration of ammunition, ban mail-order ammunition and ban virtually all non-lead ammunition used in California by reclassifying them as “armor piercing.”

Senate Bill 798 (OPPOSE) would overturn California’s long-standing preemption statute that promotes consistent statewide regulation of air-soft guns, BB guns, and imitation firearms.  California’s statute preempting local regulation of air-soft guns, BB guns and imitation firearms was passed in 1988 in response to violations that occurred due to the confusion caused by a patchwork of varying local ordinances. This firearms preemption statute was necessary to avoid the very problems that SB 798 will create if enacted.

Senate Bill 819 (OPPOSE) would allow the Department of Justice to use the Dealer Record of Sales (DROS) funds to help pay for enforcement of California firearm possession laws in the Armed & Prohibited Persons Systems program. The DROS fund monies were originally collected from every firearm purchaser to pay for the administrative process for background checks. This bill will divert and drain hundreds of thousands of dollars of DROS fee monies that YOU have paid for background checks. As a result, the DROS fund will certainly run out of money. When it does, they will almost certainly want another increase in the fees YOU PAY for FIREARM background checks.

Senate Bill 610 (SUPPORT) would standardize the application process for a permit to carry a concealed handgun and would delete the requirement that a CCW applicant obtain liability insurance as a condition of obtaining a CCW permit.

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Established in 1975, the Institute for Legislative Action (ILA) is the "lobbying" arm of the National Rifle Association of America. ILA is responsible for preserving the right of all law-abiding individuals in the legislative, political, and legal arenas, to purchase, possess and use firearms for legitimate purposes as guaranteed by the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.