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APPEARS IN Legal & Legislation


Friday, May 27, 2011

On Monday, May 23, 2011, the CRPA Foundation and a number of San Diego residents had attorneys from Michel & Associates, PC file their opening brief in the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals in their appeal seeking to overturn a U.S. district court ruling from December 10, 2010 that upheld San Diego Sheriff William Gore’s restrictive and unfair policies in issuing permits to carry concealed firearms. The case is Peruta v. County of San Diego. (See the Opening Brief here).

On May 27, 2011, the NRA weighed in on this appeal with an amicus brief authored by former Solicitor General and renowned constitutional litigator, Paul Clement. The NRA’s brief reiterates the position NRA took in a previous amicus brief filed with the Ninth Circuit in the Nordyke v. King case, that infringements on fundamental rights, like the right to bear arms, must be reviewed under strict scrutiny. The brief continues though, arguing even if the “substantial burden” test that was ultimately adopted by the Ninth Circuit in Nordyke is the proper test for reviewing Second Amendment infringements, San Diego County’s CCW issuance policy still fails. (See NRA's amicus brief here).

NRA’s amicus brief is the second to be filed in this important case. On May 25, 2011, the Congress of Racial Equality (CORE) filed its amicus brief, authored by the renowned Second Amendment scholar, and author of "The Framer's Second Amendment," Stephen P. Halbrook, in support of Plaintiffs/Appellants in Peruta case The CORE brief emphasized how the right to “bear arms” does not stop at one’s doorstep, and gave a historical analysis of the Fourteenth Amendment, discussing how discretionary firearms licensing laws were an incident of slavery. (See CORE’s amicus brief here)

More amicus briefs are expected to be filed over the next few days.

California law allows a permit to carry a concealed firearm (CCW) to be issued if an applicant has “good cause.” The Peruta lawsuit asserts that under the Second Amendment, a desire for self-defense must constitute “good cause” for the issuance of a CCW, and that Gore’s requirement that an applicant demonstrate some special need or a specific threat in order to get a CCW is an unconstitutional restriction on the right to carry a loaded firearm in public ready to be used for self-defense.

In a nutshell, the district court held that rather than needing a CCW to defend oneself, since California law allows unloaded open carry of handguns one can carry unloaded and openly, and then act pursuant to a California law that requires you to wait until you are about to be attacked, then load your firearm (see Cal. Pen. Code section 12031(j)). Because of the time needed to get an unloaded firearm ready to be used for self-defense, unloaded carry is not an effective way to exercise your fundamental, individual constitutional right to be ready and able to defend yourself under the Second Amendment. Plaintiffs are asking the Ninth Circuit to overrule the district court’s decision. (See opening appellate brief here).

The plaintiffs include several individuals who were either denied CCWs or do not qualify under the Sheriff’s strict issuance standards, as well as the CRPA Foundation. Copies of the court filings in the lawsuit and appeal can be viewed at http://michellawyers.com/perutavsandiego.

The lawsuit and appeal are being funded by the NRA-CRPA Foundation Legal Action Project (LAP). To fight for the self-defense civil rights of all Californians, the NRA and CRPA Foundation have joined forces. Through LAP, NRA/CRPAF attorneys fight ill-conceived gun control laws and ordinances, educate state and local officials about available programs that are effective in reducing accidents and violence without infringing on the rights of law-abiding gun owners, and produce valid science about game and wildlife resource management.

To contribute to the NRA/CRPAF Legal Action Project (LAP) and support this and similar efforts and Second Amendment litigation in California, visit www.crpafoundation.org and www.nraila.org.

Kamala Harris is an Existential Threat to the Second Amendment and Supports Gun Confiscation


Monday, July 29, 2024

Kamala Harris is an Existential Threat to the Second Amendment and Supports Gun Confiscation

Since President Joe Biden unceremoniously dropped out, or was forced out, of the 2024 presidential race on July 21, Vice President Kamala Harris has been effectively coronated as the Democratic presidential nominee.

Poll Reveals Overwhelming Support for Right to Bear Arms


Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Poll Reveals Overwhelming Support for Right to Bear Arms

Americans are deeply divided on many issues these days. But a recent poll conducted by Marquette University Law School in Milwaukee, WI, revealed at least one area of broad agreement: A supermajority in the U.S. ...

Massachusetts: Gov. Healey Signs Radical Gun Control Into Law

Thursday, July 25, 2024

Massachusetts: Gov. Healey Signs Radical Gun Control Into Law

On Thursday, July 25th, Governor Maura Healey (D) signed H. 4885, "an act modernizing firearm laws," one of the most extreme gun control bills in the country, into law.

Press Covers for Kamala Harris’s Clear Record on Gun Confiscation


Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Press Covers for Kamala Harris’s Clear Record on Gun Confiscation

The legacy media has mostly given up the pretense of carrying out its once-professed mission – holding power to account. At this point, no reasonable person expects the regime press to cover legitimate news that ...

NRA Scores Legal Victory Against ATF; “Pistol Brace Rule” Enjoined From Going Into Effect Against NRA Members

Monday, April 1, 2024

NRA Scores Legal Victory Against ATF; “Pistol Brace Rule” Enjoined From Going Into Effect Against NRA Members

NRA Members Among the Largest Class Protected from Draconian Rule

Kamala Harris and the Democratic Party Platform: Threats to the Second Amendment


Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Kamala Harris and the Democratic Party Platform: Threats to the Second Amendment

With the release of the 2024 Democratic Party Platform, the national Democratic Party has once again confirmed its extreme anti-gun positions.

California: Anti-Gun Bills Pass Legislature, Heading to Governor’s Desk

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

California: Anti-Gun Bills Pass Legislature, Heading to Governor’s Desk

Yesterday, the California legislature passed two anti-gun bills that will now head to Governor Newsom for his signature. NRA Members and Second Amendment supporters are encouraged to contact Governor Newsom today and urge him to veto ...

Kamala Harris Desperately Running from Her Own Anti-Second Amendment Record


Monday, August 5, 2024

Kamala Harris Desperately Running from Her Own Anti-Second Amendment Record

Kamala Harris, the party-installed alternative to Joe Biden in the 2024 presidential election, is now squarely in the national spotlight.

NRA Report on UN Arms Trade Treaty Conference


Friday, August 23, 2024

NRA Report on UN Arms Trade Treaty Conference

The 10th Conference of States Parties to the Arms Trade Treaty met this week in Geneva, Switzerland.

En Banc Fourth Circuit Upholds Maryland’s Handgun Qualification License Requirement in NRA-Backed Challenge.

Friday, August 23, 2024

En Banc Fourth Circuit Upholds Maryland’s Handgun Qualification License Requirement in NRA-Backed Challenge.

Today, the en banc Fourth Circuit upheld Maryland’s Handgun Qualification License (HQL) requirement in Maryland Shall Issue v. Moore, an NRA-supported case.


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Established in 1975, the Institute for Legislative Action (ILA) is the "lobbying" arm of the National Rifle Association of America. ILA is responsible for preserving the right of all law-abiding individuals in the legislative, political, and legal arenas, to purchase, possess and use firearms for legitimate purposes as guaranteed by the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.