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NRA Works With Coalition To Address Wolf Management Crisis

Friday, February 18, 2011

A coalition of the nation's largest hunting and conservation groups today thanked Members of Congress for taking several steps in the right direction for wolf conservation. The coalition reminded Congress that all wolves in the Rockies and Great Lakes area are recovered and should now be managed by state biologists. The coalition supports all four pending bills in the House and Senate to move recovered wolf populations to state management. The groups include Congressional Sportsmen's Foundation, the Boone and Crockett Club, National Rifle Association, and Safari Club International.

"The reintroduction of wolves has become a serious problem in several states across the country.  Therefore, efforts to manage wolf populations through regulated hunting is long-overdue," said NRA-ILA Executive Director Chris W. Cox.  "Left unmanaged, wolf packs have been decimating the game animals on which hunters depend, as well as threatening livestock and local communities.  The NRA supports all legislative measures that will preserve America's hunting and conservation heritage and will continue to fight for a solution to this critical issue."

"The wolf is recovered biologically but population management is hung up in legal questions that judges call 'ambiguous'" said Bob Model, Chairman of Government Affairs for the Boone and Crockett Club. "Lawyers and judges disagree on the law. But no one disagrees with the numbers. The strength of the large and growing wolf population is obvious, and the numbers meet and far surpass the established threshold for recovery."

Wolf populations in the Rocky Mountains and Great Lakes are at least 5 times larger than the federal recovery goals according to the US Fish and Wildlife Service.

"Representative Mike Simpson, and Senators Baucus and Tester have illustrated that there are many options available to move toward a solution, and we greatly appreciate that," said Jeff Crane, President of the Congressional Sportsmen's Foundation. "These members are building on the attention that Senator Hatch and Representative Rehberg called to this issue with their companion bills earlier this Congress. We thank all of these Members for their contribution to the debate, and we support all of their pending legislation on this issue."

The groups noted that recent proposals do not include Wyoming directly. They said that in order to return all recovered wolf populations to state managers, comprehensive legislation must include at least Wyoming, Idaho, Montana, and Minnesota, Michigan, and Wisconsin in the Great Lakes. A transfer to state management is also called for in areas of Utah, Oregon, and Washington in the Rocky Mountains. But the coalition also supports interim steps to move toward these goals, in recognition of political realities that may delay or forestall a comprehensive remedy at this point in time.

"Wolves are remarkable in many ways," said Dr. Larry Rudolph, President of Safari Club International, "most notably, they are efficient predators. They must be managed by the same state experts that manage the elk and deer that wolves eat. State biologists need the authority to manage the entire ecosystem and all the species that interact in it. Wolves are also opportunists, feeding on prey they may encounter when not actively hunting in packs. By the same token, we must be opportunist in seizing every opportunity for progress on this issue."

Court Rules Federal Machinegun Law Cannot Be Justified under Bruen


Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Court Rules Federal Machinegun Law Cannot Be Justified under Bruen

A district court in Kansas has ruled that the federal law prohibiting the possession of “machineguns” failed the test set out in New York State Rifle & Pistol Ass’n, Inc. v. Bruen (2022).

Never Enough: German Government Pushes Knife Control in Wake of Terror Attack


Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Never Enough: German Government Pushes Knife Control in Wake of Terror Attack

No summary available

California: Anti-Gun Bills Pass Legislature, Heading to Governor’s Desk

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

California: Anti-Gun Bills Pass Legislature, Heading to Governor’s Desk

Yesterday, the California legislature passed two anti-gun bills that will now head to Governor Newsom for his signature. NRA Members and Second Amendment supporters are encouraged to contact Governor Newsom today and urge him to veto ...

Kamala Harris is an Existential Threat to the Second Amendment and Supports Gun Confiscation


Monday, July 29, 2024

Kamala Harris is an Existential Threat to the Second Amendment and Supports Gun Confiscation

Since President Joe Biden unceremoniously dropped out, or was forced out, of the 2024 presidential race on July 21, Vice President Kamala Harris has been effectively coronated as the Democratic presidential nominee.

Massachusetts: Gov. Healey Signs Radical Gun Control Into Law

Thursday, July 25, 2024

Massachusetts: Gov. Healey Signs Radical Gun Control Into Law

On Thursday, July 25th, Governor Maura Healey (D) signed H. 4885, "an act modernizing firearm laws," one of the most extreme gun control bills in the country, into law.

Oregon: “Ghost Gun” Law Takes Effect over Labor Day Weekend

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Oregon: “Ghost Gun” Law Takes Effect over Labor Day Weekend

Over the weekend on September 1st, House Bill 2005, Oregon’s “ghost gun” law, took effect. 

Poll Reveals Overwhelming Support for Right to Bear Arms


Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Poll Reveals Overwhelming Support for Right to Bear Arms

Americans are deeply divided on many issues these days. But a recent poll conducted by Marquette University Law School in Milwaukee, WI, revealed at least one area of broad agreement: A supermajority in the U.S. ...

Press Covers for Kamala Harris’s Clear Record on Gun Confiscation


Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Press Covers for Kamala Harris’s Clear Record on Gun Confiscation

The legacy media has mostly given up the pretense of carrying out its once-professed mission – holding power to account. At this point, no reasonable person expects the regime press to cover legitimate news that ...

NRA Scores Legal Victory Against ATF; “Pistol Brace Rule” Enjoined From Going Into Effect Against NRA Members

Monday, April 1, 2024

NRA Scores Legal Victory Against ATF; “Pistol Brace Rule” Enjoined From Going Into Effect Against NRA Members

NRA Members Among the Largest Class Protected from Draconian Rule

Attorney General Ken Paxton Sues the City of Dallas for Unlawfully Prohibiting Firearms From the Texas State Fair

Friday, August 30, 2024

Attorney General Ken Paxton Sues the City of Dallas for Unlawfully Prohibiting Firearms From the Texas State Fair

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton's office sent out the following press release late Thursday. 


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Established in 1975, the Institute for Legislative Action (ILA) is the "lobbying" arm of the National Rifle Association of America. ILA is responsible for preserving the right of all law-abiding individuals in the legislative, political, and legal arenas, to purchase, possess and use firearms for legitimate purposes as guaranteed by the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.