Two pro-gun bills have been assigned to the state Assembly Judiciary Committee and now await consideration. Assembly Bill 143 would streamline the Concealed Carry Weapons (CCW) permit process as well as provide that the identity of CCW permit holders not be made public information. Assembly Bill 8 would guarantee law-abiding citizens the right to self-defense in their homes. At this time, no hearing dates have been scheduled for either of these bills.
Assemblyman David Bobzien (D-24) has introduced Assembly Bill 143, a measure that would revise the application for a CCW permit to allow one permit for all semiautomatic firearms and revolvers that the applicant seeks to carry concealed, instead of being required to obtain a permit for each specific pistol and revolver. AB 143 would also ensure the confidentiality of CCW permit holders which, as a result of a 2010 decision by the Nevada Supreme Court, resulted in the names of permit holders being released to any party that requested them of the issuing sheriff.
Assembly Bill 8, sponsored by Assemblyman John Hambrick (R-2), is a long-awaited “Castle Doctrine” measure. This legislation would permit law-abiding citizens to use force, including deadly force, against an attacker in their homes and any places outside of their home where they have a legal right to be and without the fear of civil liability.
Please contact members of the Assembly Judiciary Committee and respectfully urge them to support both AB 143 and AB 8. Contact information for this committee is listed below.
Assembly Judiciary Committee
William Horne (D-34), Chairman
(775) 684-8847
[email protected]
James Ohrenschall (D-12), Vice Chairman
(775) 684-8819
[email protected]
Steven Brooks (D-19)
(775) 684-8569
[email protected]
Richard Carrillo (D-18)
(775) 684-8801
[email protected]
Skip Daly (D-31)
(775) 684-8563
[email protected]
Olivia Diaz (D-11)
(775) 684-8553
[email protected]
Marilyn Dondero Loop (D-5)
(775) 684-8833
[email protected]
Jason Frierson (D-8)
(775) 684-8537
[email protected]
Tick Segerblom (D-9)
(775) 684-8549
[email protected]
Scott Hammond (R-13)
(775) 684-8853
[email protected]
Ira Hansen (R-32)
(775) 684-8851
[email protected]
Kelly Kite (R-39)
(775) 684-8843
[email protected]
Richard McArthur (R-4)
(775) 684-8829
[email protected]
Mark Sherwood (R-21)
(775) 684-8839
[email protected]