Last week, the House Judiciary Committee passed House Bill 2346, a bill identical to one defeated last year during the regular session before it ever advanced out of committee. Just like last year’s legislation, HB 2346 would remove due process from protective orders issued in domestic violence situations and, once again, the NRA is very much opposed to this legislation.
Under current
HB 2346 is a broad expansion of the powers of the state to take away a constitutional right. For unexplained reasons, this bill was allowed to advance out of committee, but the NRA has successfully worked with members of the House to stall the bill and have it removed from the Special Calendar. It is our hope that HB 2346 will not advance to consideration before the full House of Delegates.
Please contact your state Delegate(s) and respectfully urge them to oppose HB 2346 and not let it be considered on the House floor. Click here to find your Delegate(s) and locate their contact information.