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Mayor Trousil Continues to Threaten the Safety of Iowans in West Burlington

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Since we’ve notified Mayor Hans Trousil and the City Council of West Burlington of its unlawful firearm ban ordinance, a number of stories have appeared in the Des Moines Register and The Hawkeye newspaper.  In each instance, journalists have contacted Mayor Trousil seeking comments and he continues—even in his emails responding to Iowa’s NRA members’ concerns—to disingenuously misstate our position and display a poor understanding of Iowa’s firearm laws.  As such, it is necessary to explain the facts on this issue. 

Mayor Trousil claims his ordinance only bans firearms from a few municipal buildings. 

A simple reading of the ordinance’s definition of “municipal building” would show that “any structure, dwelling, garage, or shelter owned, leased or otherwise occupied…and used for any municipal or public purposes by the city” is also included in the ban.  These are all much broader terms than “municipal building.”  If the city meant to limit its ban to only a few specific city buildings, as Mayor Trousil has claimed in the press, why didn’t it write the ordinance that way?

Mayor Trousil claims that in the absence of his ordinance an Iowan would be unable to possess a firearm in or near said municipal buildings because they are in a “weapons free zone.” 

The Iowa Code provision that establishes so-called “weapons free zones” (724.4A) does not prohibit a person from carrying a firearm in accordance with a valid permit within 1,000 feet of a school or park.  It merely increases the penalties for firearm-related public offenses committed within these zones.  Carrying a firearm in accordance with a valid permit is obviously not an offense.

Mayor Trousil claims that the Supreme Court’s ruling in MacDonald justifies his ordinance.

While the Supreme Court indicated prohibitions on the carrying of firearms in “sensitive places” (which it stated may include “schools and government buildings”) might be permissible, it has never sanctioned broad firearms bans in or on any public “structure” whatsoever.

The current definition of “municipal building” in the ordinance is so broad that it encompasses such structures as bridges, benches, picnic pavilions, public rest stops and bathrooms, parking garages, bus stop overhangs or shelters, etc.  These are hardly the sort of “sensitive places” the Supreme Court had in mind.  “Sensitive” and “publicly-controlled” are not synonymous in law or in logic.

When Mayor Trousil called gun owners of Iowa “Nut Jobs,” he claimed that NRA twisted his comment.

The following quote was printed in two separate Des Moines Register articles for your review:                                                                                                                         



So far, NRA is unaware of Mayor Trousil asking for a retraction—if in fact he was “misquoted.”  Mayor Trousil’s recent comments in his e-mail raise further questions about his attitude toward his constituents’ mental states: “Common sense alone should tell us that weapons have no business in a setting where discussions could become heated and out of control.”  Does he really think permit holders are so irrational and “out of control” that they will revert to violence over differences of opinion?  Permit holders in the state of Iowa and nationally have historically proven this anti-gun propaganda wrong. 

Unfortunately, it has become clear that Mayor Trousil and the City Council of West Burlington have chosen to stand by the unlawful ordinance.  

Please contact Mayor Trousil and the West Burlington City Council today and urge them to oppose this firearm ban.  To contact the Mayor and City Council please call (319) 752- 5451.  Email addresses are listed below.

Mayor Hans Trousil
[email protected]

Rod Crowner
[email protected]

Kara Steward
[email protected]

Therese Lees
[email protected]

Dan West
[email protected]

Rick Raleigh
[email protected]

Kamala Harris is an Existential Threat to the Second Amendment and Supports Gun Confiscation


Monday, July 29, 2024

Kamala Harris is an Existential Threat to the Second Amendment and Supports Gun Confiscation

Since President Joe Biden unceremoniously dropped out, or was forced out, of the 2024 presidential race on July 21, Vice President Kamala Harris has been effectively coronated as the Democratic presidential nominee.

Press Covers for Kamala Harris’s Clear Record on Gun Confiscation


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Kamala Harris and the Democratic Party Platform: Threats to the Second Amendment


Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Kamala Harris and the Democratic Party Platform: Threats to the Second Amendment

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Massachusetts: Gov. Healey Signs Radical Gun Control Into Law

Thursday, July 25, 2024

Massachusetts: Gov. Healey Signs Radical Gun Control Into Law

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California: Anti-Gun Bills Pass Legislature, Heading to Governor’s Desk

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

California: Anti-Gun Bills Pass Legislature, Heading to Governor’s Desk

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NRA Report on UN Arms Trade Treaty Conference


Friday, August 23, 2024

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Monday, April 1, 2024

NRA Scores Legal Victory Against ATF; “Pistol Brace Rule” Enjoined From Going Into Effect Against NRA Members

NRA Members Among the Largest Class Protected from Draconian Rule

En Banc Fourth Circuit Upholds Maryland’s Handgun Qualification License Requirement in NRA-Backed Challenge.

Friday, August 23, 2024

En Banc Fourth Circuit Upholds Maryland’s Handgun Qualification License Requirement in NRA-Backed Challenge.

Today, the en banc Fourth Circuit upheld Maryland’s Handgun Qualification License (HQL) requirement in Maryland Shall Issue v. Moore, an NRA-supported case.

Attorney General Ken Paxton Sues the City of Dallas for Unlawfully Prohibiting Firearms From the Texas State Fair

Friday, August 30, 2024

Attorney General Ken Paxton Sues the City of Dallas for Unlawfully Prohibiting Firearms From the Texas State Fair

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton's office sent out the following press release late Thursday. 

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Established in 1975, the Institute for Legislative Action (ILA) is the "lobbying" arm of the National Rifle Association of America. ILA is responsible for preserving the right of all law-abiding individuals in the legislative, political, and legal arenas, to purchase, possess and use firearms for legitimate purposes as guaranteed by the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.