The New York State Senate is currently considering legislation, which would ban the sale of virtually all semi-automatic handguns in the state. Since the Senate could vote on this bill at any time, it is critical that you call your state Senator immediately and ask them to OPPOSE Senate Bill 6005.
This bill (S 6005) would require all semi-automatic handguns delivered to any licensed firearms dealer in New York to mechanically stamp certain information about the firearm (such as the make, model and serial number) into the cartridge case when the gun is discharged. This bill does not exempt models currently available, making all of these guns illegal for sale in
Micro-stamping is an unproven technology that is easily defeated with common household tools and the replacement of a few small parts. It has no public safety value, adds substantially to the cost of the firearm and potentially puts other gun owners at risk of prosecution since criminals will no doubt collect fired brass from shooting ranges to leave at crime scenes. If passed, the availability of semi-automatic handguns in
It is imperative that you stand-up and make your voice heard in opposition to this attack on our rights. Please contact your State Senator, IMMEDIATELY at 518-455-2800 and respectfully urge them to oppose S 6005. To identify your State Senator, please click here or here.