In a blatant attempt by entrenched New Jersey politicians to strong arm citizens who oppose their re-election, Assemblywoman Linda Greenstein (D-14) and her co-sponsors have introduced legislation which would require certain contributors to “issue advocacy organizations”, including the NRA, to have their names, addresses and their employers information sent to the government.
A2595, if passed, will mandate that any “issue advocacy organization” classified under IRS Code as a 501(C) (3), 501 (C) (4) or 527 that engages in the election or defeat of any person to State or local elective office; the passage or defeat of any public question; or that provides political information on any candidate, must submit the names and addresses of contributors and their employers to the Election Law Enforcement Commission.
Not only is Assemblywoman Greenstein (D-14) the prime sponsor of A2595, but she is also the Chair of the committee that will hear the bill. The Assembly Judiciary Committee will hear the bill on Monday, June 14th at 10:00 am.
A2595 is a shameless attempt to intimidate citizens who engage in the legislative and political process.
Please contact the members of the Assembly Judiciary Committee today and urge him or her to oppose A2595! Contact information can be found below.
Also, please start calling your Assemblyman or Assemblywoman today and urge him or her to oppose A 2595. Contact information can be found here.
Assembly Judiciary Committee:
Linda R. Greenstein (D-14)- Chair
(609) 395-9911
Annette Quijano (D-20)- Vice Chair
(908) 624-0880
Ralph R. Caputo (D-28)
(973) 450-0484
Michael Patrick Carroll (R-25)
(973) 539-8113
Caroline Casagrande (R-12)
(732) 866-1695
Louis D. Greenwald (D-6)
(856) 435-1247
Reed Gusciora (D-15)
(609) 292-0500
Please continue to check for updates and information.