On Thursday, April 15, the Wisconsin Assembly passed Assembly Bill 193, the “Castle Doctrine” bill, by a vote of 68 to 29. The bill now moves to the Senate Judiciary Committee where it waits to be scheduled. This bill would help restore the basic right of self-defense that all Americans are entitled. ??Under this bill, if a person used defensive force that was intended or likely to cause death or great bodily harm, the court must presume that the person reasonably believed that the force was necessary. While the Wisconsin State Constitution already recognizes self-defense as a guaranteed right, this bill would further clarify that right.
The Senate companion bill has already had a hearing, so this bill could be substituted and voted out of committee next week. There is a strong possibility that AB 193 will make the calendar this Tuesday or Thursday for the senate floor session.
Please contact the Senate Judiciary Committee TODAY! Respectfully urge them to bring AB 193 to a vote and support this important piece of legislation. Contact information for the committee can be found below.
Despite the positive news regarding castle doctrine, the day turned out to be a disappointment for gun owners in Wisconsin. Four bills advanced that will be detrimental to your Second Amendment rights. AB 558, AB 559, AB 737, and AB 747 all passed and moved to the Senate. The only bill that was recorded for a vote was AB 747, which passed on a party line vote of 50 to 47.
It is very unfortunate that these bills were allowed to advance, but we have received strong assurances from Senate Leadership that these bills will not advance in the Senate. With only two days left of session, these bills will not have time to advance out of committee and be scheduled for floor time.
Make your voices heard! Thank your legislators for advancing castle doctrine, and criticize them for allowing four anti-gun bills to advance. If your legislators do not hear from you, they will assume their votes were okay with gun owners. For contact information for your legislators, click here.
Please keep checking your email and our website at www.NRAILA.org for further updates on these bills.
Senate Judiciary Committee
State Senator Lena Taylor (D-4) Chair
(608) 266-5810
[email protected]
State Senator Jim Sullivan (D-5) Vice-Chair
(608) 266-2512
[email protected]
State Senator Jon Erpenbach (D-27)
(608) 266-6670
[email protected]
State Senator Glenn Grothman (R-20)
(608) 266-7513
[email protected]
State Senator Randy Hopper (R-18)
(608) 266-5300
[email protected]