Currently awaiting action in the State Senate are two hunting-related bills. One which would adversely affect those who hunt with dogs (SB 274), while the other is an attempt to lower fees associated with hunting and fishing licenses (SB207).
Senate Bill 274, a bill that would prohibit the "unreasonable" confinement and tethering of dogs, passed out of the Environment Committee and is pending consideration on the Senate floor. SB274 could affect those who own dogs bred or trained for hunting by limiting their ability to kennel, transport, and house dogs. NRA strongly opposes this measure.
Please contact your lawmakers and ask them to oppose SB274. Contact information for the Connecticut State Senate can be found by clicking here and contact information for the Connecticut State House of Representatives can be found by clicking here. To find information on the State Legislators in your district, please click here.
Senate Bill 207, a bill designed to reduce the recent fee increases associated with hunting and fishing licenses, is awaiting consideration by the Senate. While this bill would reduce the fee less then we would like, any reduction is an improvement over the current fees, which were more than doubled by lawmakers last year.
Please call the members of the State Senate and respectfully urge them to support S207. Contact information for the Connecticut State Senate can be found by clicking here.