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Attention North Carolina Hunters: Anti-Hunting Extremists Pushing Dangerous Legislation Forward!

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Please Stand-Up and Make Your Voices Heard!

Anti-hunting extremists at the Humane Society of the United States (HSUS) are making progress with their radical agenda.  They have convinced several senators who are normally very pro-hunting to support a very anti-hunting bill — Senate Bill 460

This bill is designed by HSUS as a means to help eliminate ALL commercial dog breeders.  Once those breeders are gone, current hunters and future hunters will not be able to easily acquire the dogs they feel are best suited for their hunting needs.  Those that they can find will be priced out of most people’s reach, due to their scarcity.  Don’t let the anti-hunting radicals gain a foothold in North CarolinaNRA members and hunters must contact the following State Senators to urge them to oppose the anti-hunting agenda of HSUS by opposing Senate Bill 460:  

State Senator Tom Apodaca (R-48)                         
(919) 733-5745
[email protected]

State Senator Peter Brunstetter (R-31)                     
(919) 733-7850
[email protected]

State Senator Debbie Clary (R-46)                           
(919) 715-3038
[email protected]

State Senator Fletcher Hartsell (R-36)                      
(919) 733-7223
[email protected]

State Senator Bob Rucho (R-39)                              
(919) 733-5655
[email protected]

While HSUS claims this legislation is “only” meant to target what it calls “puppy mills,” the fact is that HSUS opposes ALL commercial dog breeders, and labels all of them as “puppy mills.”  The bill was originally titled “Commercial Dog Breeders,” and promoted as a bill to regulate breeders.  But the bill is now called the “Puppy Mill Bill,” which implies that all commercial dog breeders regulated under it are “puppy mills.”  If HSUS is opposed to all “puppy mills,” it must be opposed to all breeders regulated under the “Puppy Mill Bill.”  In fact, HSUS clearly states its opposition to all commercial dog breeders when it states, “There’s no reason for anyone to patronize a pet store or a breeder.”  The group also claims it has been working to expose “the cruel realities of the commercial dog breeding business.”  The focus is not only on so-called “puppy mills,” but everyone who is involved in the “commercial dog breeding business.”

HSUS intends to use S 460 as a template for driving all commercial dog breeders out of business.  While the standard for being regulated under this bill is currently set at a breeder with 15 females and 30 puppies, HSUS has tried to set the standard much lower in other states.  This year, HSUS supported a commercial breeder standard in Minnesota that was just six females, and in Illinois the standard supported was merely three females.

HSUS, just like anti-gun extremists, intends to work to get its foot in the door with legislation that looks like it would not impact NRA members, then come back time and time again to add more and more restrictions.  As HSUS President Wayne Pacelle has said, “We are going to use the ballot box and the democratic process to stop all hunting in the United States….  We will take it species by species until all hunting is stopped….”  Just replace “species” with “method” and it’s easy to see why all hunters should be concerned with any HSUS-supported legislation that even remotely affects hunters.

If HSUS is successful with its anti-dog breeder agenda, hunters who use dogs will suffer, as will all hunters.  If hunters can’t find or afford the dogs they wish to use for hunting, they will simply stop hunting.  Fewer hunters means a weaker voice in Raleigh, and that is the ultimate goal of HSUS.  Don’t let the anti-hunting radicals gain a foothold in North CarolinaPlease contact the Senators listed above TODAY!

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Established in 1975, the Institute for Legislative Action (ILA) is the "lobbying" arm of the National Rifle Association of America. ILA is responsible for preserving the right of all law-abiding individuals in the legislative, political, and legal arenas, to purchase, possess and use firearms for legitimate purposes as guaranteed by the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.