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New York State Senate May Consider Numerous Anti-Gun Bills!

Friday, June 19, 2009

Despite several court actions and ongoing negotiations between Democrats and the so-called "Coalition Conference," neither side seemingly has a clear majority after the coup of 12 days ago.

The last day of session is set for Monday, June 22, but with the events that have unfolded in the last two weeks, what happens next is anyone's guess.  Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver (D-64) announced that the Assembly would adjourn as planned on Monday, while the Senate could return to Albany to act on unfinished business.

Law-abiding gun owners, hunters and sportsmen should stay tuned, as numerous anti-gun measures were pending action when the Senate leadership battle commenced and if they resume business they could be taken up at any time.  These measures include:

Senate Bill 4397, sponsored by State Senator Eric Schneiderman (D-31), would ban the sale of all semi-automatic handguns not equipped with micro-stamping technology.  Its companion bill is Assembly Bill 6468, sponsored by State Assemblywoman Michelle Schimel (D-16).

Senate Bill 4753, sponsored by State Senator Jose Serrano (D-28), would prohibit the possession of concealed firearms in any park or recreational area.  Its companion bill is Assembly Bill 7183, sponsored by State Assemblyman Steve Englebright (D-4). 

Assembly Bill 801A, sponsored by State Assemblywoman Amy Paulin (D-8), would require five-year renewals on pistol licenses.  Its companion bill is Senate Bill 1598, sponsored by State Senator Eric Schneiderman (D-31).

Assembly Bill 1093, also sponsored by Assemblywoman Paulin, would impose new restrictions on licensed dealers and require retailers to obtain liability insurance against the possibility of a crime being committed with a firearm any time after it is legally sold.  The companion bill to A1093 is Senate Bill 1715, sponsored by State Senator Eric Schneiderman (D-31).

Assembly Bill 1326, sponsored by Assemblyman Steve Englebright (D-4), would outlaw handguns ”capable” of being fired by anyone five years of age or younger, this legislation would outlaw virtually all handguns in New York.

Assembly Bill 2881, sponsored by State Assemblyman David Koon (D-135), would ban frangible ammunition.  The companion bill for A2881 is Senate Bill 2379, sponsored by State Senator Frank Padavan (R-11). 

Assembly Bill 2882, also sponsored by Assemblyman Koon, would expand the ballistic imaging program.

Assembly Bill 3076A, sponsored by State Assemblyman Brian Kavanagh (D-74), would institute a training requirement for issuance of a pistol license.

Assembly Bill 3211A, sponsored by State Assemblywoman Patricia Eddington (D-3), would outlaw .50 caliber firearms.

Assembly Bill 5844, sponsored by State Assemblyman Harvey Weisenberg (D-20), would require the mandatory storage of firearms.  The companion bill for A5844 is Senate Bill 3098, sponsored by State Senator Eric Schneiderman (D-31).

Assembly Bill 6157, sponsored by State Assemblyman Matthew Titone (D-61), would expand the state’s current ban on so-called “assault weapons.”

We will keep you updated as to any movement in the Senate.  Please continue checking your email and www.NRAILA.org for updates.

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Established in 1975, the Institute for Legislative Action (ILA) is the "lobbying" arm of the National Rifle Association of America. ILA is responsible for preserving the right of all law-abiding individuals in the legislative, political, and legal arenas, to purchase, possess and use firearms for legitimate purposes as guaranteed by the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.