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Time is Running Out for Two Pro-Gun, Pro-Hunting Bills in Nevada!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Call Your Lawmakers Today!

Two important pro-gun, pro-hunting measures are currently awaiting action in the Nevada legislature.

Assembly Bill 288, Nevada’s “Castle Doctrine” self-defense bill, is awaiting action by the Assembly Judiciary Committee.  It is being held up at the request of Chairman Bernie Anderson (D-31) who has made it clear he does not support key provisions of the bill. 

It is vital that NRA members ratchet up the pressure on the committee members, as well as Speaker Barbara Buckley (D-8) and Majority Leader John Oceguera (D-16), since they have the authority to override the Chair's objections to move the bill for a hearing.  Please be polite, but stress that by not scheduling a hearing for this important self-defense measure is counter to the wishes of NRA members in the state of Nevada.  Time is of the essence as the deadline for committee hearings is Friday, April 10.

Introduced by Assemblyman Harry Mortenson (D-42), AB288 would permit a person who is behaving lawfully to use deadly force in self-defense against someone who is attempting to commit a felony and who is unlawfully, forcefully, and without provocation intruding onto property where the defender has a right to be.  The defender would not have to retreat and would be protected from civil liability.  

Assembly Bill 246, sponsored by Assemblyman David Bobzien (D-24), is slated to be considered by the Assembly Natural Resources Committee on Wednesday, April 8.  It is imperative that you contact the members of the committee and respectfully voice your support for this legislation.  Ask that the committee send the bill to the full Assembly for a vote before the Friday, April 10 crossover deadline.

AB246 would establish an apprentice hunting license that allows prospective hunters 12 years old and older to try their hand at hunting before completing a hunter education course.  Apprentice hunters would be required to be directly supervised in the field by a mentor who is at least 18 years old and who holds a valid Nevada hunting license.  Experience in more than two dozen other states shows that this apprentice hunting program is exceptionally safe and will bring many new hunters into the field. 

Hunter recruitment is critical to the long-term preservation of our hunting heritage.  Hunter numbers are declining and radical anti-hunting organizations like the Humane Society of the United States are doing everything they can to keep people from hunting.  Nevada currently ranks 49th among the states in hunter recruitment.  For every 100 Nevada hunters who permanently quit hunting, only 30 new hunters replace them.  This slide must be reversed, and AB246 will help in this effort. 

Research shows that overly burdensome regulations deter citizens from trying hunting for the first time.  This includes the current requirement that virtually all prospective hunters complete hunter education.  An apprentice hunting program allows people a “try it before they buy it” opportunity.  Ultimately, many will want to complete a hunter education course in order to hunt on their own and pursue game that requires special tags.  In the end, more citizens will complete hunter education and join the hunter ranks as a result.

Please contact Speaker Buckley, Majority Leader Oceguera, and the members of the Assembly Judiciary Committee TODAY to voice your support for AB288 and to ask that the bill be scheduled for a hearing before Friday’s deadline. 

Speaker Buckley can be reached by phone at (775) 684-8537 or email [email protected].  Majority Leader Oceguera can be contacted by phone at (775) 684-8595 or by emailing [email protected]. 

Also, please contact the members of the Assembly Natural Resources Committee TODAY and respectfully urge them to vote for AB246  so it may move forward to receive a full Assembly vote. 

Contact information for the committees can be found below.


Assemblymember Bernie Anderson (D-31), Chair
(775) 684-8563
[email protected]

Assemblymember Tick Segerblom (D-9), Vice Chair
(775) 684-8549
[email protected]

Assemblymember Marilyn Dondero Loop (D-5)
(775) 684-8833
[email protected]

Assemblymember William Horne (D-34)
775) 684-8847
[email protected]

Assemblymember Ruben Kihuen (D-11)
(775) 684-8553
[email protected]

Assemblymember Mark Manendo (D-18)
(775) 684-8801
[email protected]

Assemblymember Harry Mortenson (D-42)
(775) 684-8803
[email protected]

Assemblymember James Ohrenschall (D-12)
(775) 684-8819
[email protected]

Assemblymember Bonnie Parnell (D-40)
(775) 684-8825
[email protected]

Assemblymember John Carpenter (R-33)
(775) 684-8831
[email protected]

Assemblymember Ty Cobb (R-26)
(775) 684-8848
[email protected]

Assemblymember Don Gustavson (R-32)
(775) 684-8851
[email protected]

Assemblymember John Hambrick (R-2)
(775) 684-8827
[email protected]

Assemblymember Richard McArthur (R-4)
(775) 684-8829
[email protected]


Assemblymember Jerry Claborn (D-19), Chair       
(775) 684-8569              
[email protected]

Assemblymember Joseph Hogan (D-10), Vice Chair   
(775) 684-8541              
[email protected]

Assemblymember Paul Aizley (D-41)                     
(775) 684-8821               
[email protected]

Assemblymember Harvey Munford (D-6)              
(775) 684-8545              
[email protected]

Assemblymember James Ohrenschall (D-12)         
(775) 684-8819             
[email protected]

Assemblymember Tick Segerblom (D-9)              
(775) 684-8549             
[email protected]

Assemblymember John Carpenter (R-33)              
(775) 684-8831             
[email protected]

Assemblymember Pete Goicoechea (R-35)            
(775) 684-8573             
[email protected]

Assemblymember Tom Grady (R-38)                     
(775) 684-8507             
[email protected]

Assemblymember Don Gustavson (R-32)              
(775) 684-8851             
[email protected]

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Established in 1975, the Institute for Legislative Action (ILA) is the "lobbying" arm of the National Rifle Association of America. ILA is responsible for preserving the right of all law-abiding individuals in the legislative, political, and legal arenas, to purchase, possess and use firearms for legitimate purposes as guaranteed by the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.