On Thursday, February 26, House Bill 1446, legislation requested by the Maryland State Police, was introduced in the House of Delegates. HB 1446 reaches new lows in a state that already treats law abiding gun owners as second class citizens.
This bill would require that any person engaged in the business of selling ammunition to maintain records on the sale of ammunition, such as, date of sale, purchasers full name, address and date of birth, description of the form of ID used as well as the type and quantity of ammunition purchased. The bill also forces a business that sells ammunition to allow the inspection of the sales record by a law enforcement officer. HB 1446 is tantamount to firearm registration and will do nothing to stop crime and only increase the size and bureaucratic scope of the Maryland State Police. Currently, this bill is in the Rules and Executive Nominations Committee.
NRA-ILA will keep you abreast of any movement of the bill but it is imperative that you contact your Delegate and respectfully urge them to oppose this HB 1446. Contact information can be found here.