We’ve recently learned that the Camas County Board of Commissioners has passed Ordinance No. 154, which makes it unlawful for any person to have a firearm in their possession, whether loaded or unloaded while within any public building owned or operated by Camas County, or at any county meeting or hearing. Ordinance No. 154 is in direct violation of Idaho’s firearms preemption statute that establishes uniform laws throughout the state. Not only will this ordinance undermine preemption, but it will also take away your right to self-defense by essentially banning your Right-to-Carry in certain locations.
NRA will be contacting Camas County and notifying them that they are in violation of state law. Please contact the Board of Commissioners and respectfully urge them to reconsider this unjust and illegal attack on our Second Amendment freedoms.
Please continue checking your email and www.NRAILA.org for any updates on the situation.