This long campaign season is down to its final days. Next Tuesday, the American people will make their choice. It is more important than ever that every gun owner and everyone who values our liberties, takes action to protect the future of our Second Amendment rights. The threat is real, and the consequences of this election will be felt for years to come.
In 2000 and 2004, American gun owners rose to the occasion and defeated tough, seasoned opponents of the Second Amendment -- Al Gore and John Kerry. And those opponents got craftier each election cycle in camouflaging their true beliefs about gun ownership.
Today, we face a different challenge. Barack Obama has such a long, openly anti-gun record that he cannot hide his true stance. All he can do is try to paper it over with platitudes. "If you've got a gun in your house, I'm not taking it," Obama says on the campaign trail, although he voted in Illinois to do just that. And he goes on to admit the real obstacle: "Even if I wanted to take it away, I couldn't get it done. I don't have the votes in Congress."
In contrast, we have John McCain and Sarah Palin. Make no mistake about it, the best hope to protect the Second Amendment is the election of John McCain. Sen. McCain has a strong record of supporting the Second Amendment, and Gov. Palin would be a stellar new voice for gun owners in Washington.
The record is clear. Barack Obama, with his career of supporting every gun control scheme he's ever encountered, would be the most anti-gun president in American history.
Our mission -- and our duty to protect the Second Amendment -- is to defeat Barack Obama, now.
We must ensure that Obama never has the chance to push the radical schemes he promoted in Illinois, or voted for in the U.S. Senate, or funded through the Joyce Foundation. And we must ensure that the Congress, the governors and the state legislatures all stand against Obama and those who think like him. The only way we can do this is by voting for candidates endorsed by the NRA Political Victory Fund. Go to and identify your pro-gun candidates. They need your support this Tuesday!
John McCain and Sarah Palin -- and all the NRA-PVF endorsed candidates -- need your vote. And they need the votes of your family, your friends and your fellow sportsmen as well.
Take action. Vote. Make sure that everyone you know who supports freedom votes on Tuesday.
Now is the time to make "Vote Freedom First" a reality. On November 4, defeat Barack Obama and Joe Biden, by voting John McCain and Sarah Palin.