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Active National Pro-Firearms Organizations

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Citizens` Committee For The Right To Keep And Bear Arms

Liberty Park
12500 N.E. 10th Place
Bellevue, WA 98005
Telephone: (425) 454-4911

U.S. Capitol Office:
600 Pennsylvania Ave., S.E. Suite 205
Washington, D.C. 20003

Executive Director: Paul Williams
Chairman: Alan Gottlieb

Membership: 550,000
Publications: Point Blank, monthly
Web: http://www.ccrkba.org/

The Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms (CCRKBA) originated as an ad hoc committee of the Young Americans for Freedom. It has been in independent operation since 1971. CCRKBA believes "in the Second Amendment of the U.S. Constitution upholding the right of the people to keep and bear arms; that firearms registration does not and cannot solve the problems ofrising crime in our streets, and that registration leads to the eventual confiscation of firearms; that a mandatory sentence on conviction of a felony involving the use of a firearm is a deterrent to crime"; and "that the disarming of individual law-abiding citizens will result in the loss of individual freedoms." CCRKBA employs one full-time lobbyist in Washington, D.C.

The Citizens Committee has a political action committee--Right to Keep and Bear Arms Political Victory Fund--which supports state and federal pro-gun candidates. Unlike the NRA, CCRKBA also involves itself in other issues besides firearms-related issues.

Congress of Racial Equality

817 Broadway
New York, NY 10003
Telephone: (212) 598-4000

Chairman: Roy Innis
Web: http://www.core-online.org/

The Congress of Racial Equality (CORE) is a group which began in Brooklyn as a civil rights organization to promote the rights of blacks including their right to keep and bear arms. CORE currently has five regional groups, 39 state groups, and 116 local groups and maintains its headquarters in New York City. The organization is active in several anti-crime programs on the grassroots level and emphasizes individual participation in crime prevention.

Gun Owners of America

8001 Forbes Place Suite 102
Springfield, VA 22151
Telephone: (703) 321-8585

Executive Director: Larry Pratt

Gun Owners of America (GOA) was founded in 1975. It is a nonprofit lobbying organization formed to preserve the rights ofgun owners. GOA lobbies Congress and state legislatures and is active in electoral politics. GOA operates a California office and has a federal political action committee, Gun Owners of America Political Victory Fund (GOAPVF). Also associated with GOA is the Gun Owners Foundation. GOF is the tax-deductible research and education arm of GOA.

International Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies

444 North Capitol Street, N.W., Suite 544
Washington, D.C. 20001
Telephone: (202) 624-7890

Executive Vice President: John Baughman
Membership: 450
Web: http://www.iafwa.org

The International Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies (IAFWA) is comprised of 68 state and provincial fish and wildlife agencies and 382 officials.

Founded in 1902 as the International Association of Game, Fish, and Conservation Commissioners, the IAFWA has organized to educate people on the "importance of conserving natural resources and managing wildlife properly as a source of recreation and bard supply." It maintains several committees including Hunter Education, Migratory Wildlife, and Wildlife Habitat Protection.

Izaak Walton League

707 Conservation Lane
Gaithersburg, Maryland 20878
Phone: (301) 548-0150

Executive Director: Paul Hansen
Membership: 50,000
Web: http://www.iwla.org/

The Izaak Walton League has 21 state groups and 300 local groups. The League works to educate the public on conservation, soil restoration, forest, water, and other natural projects. It promotes the recreational use of lands and has a pro-hunting policy. The League has several environmental programs including the Wetlands Watch and Outdoor Ethics Information Center, as well as a weekly television program, "Make Peace With Nature." It also has several workshop programs for various interests.

The Izaak Walton League maintains the Izaak Walton League Endowment which is a program to purchase land for eventual sale to the U.S. Forest Service. The Endowment also provides funding for youth camps and education.

Jews For The Preservation of Firearms Ownership

P.O. Box 270143
Hartford, WI 53027
Telephone: (262) 673-9745
fax: (262) 673-9746

Executive Director: Aaron Zelman
Research Director J.E. Simkin
Membership: 2,000
Web: http://www.jpfo.org/

Founded in 1989, Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership (JPFO) does research to find new ideas and methods to discredit gun control. JPFO uses print and electronic media to accomplish this goal. JPFO is a non-partisan group which seeks to destroy the concept of gun control and of all gun control laws that target the law abiding citizen. They believe in a constitutional right allowing law abiding citizens to be armed. JPFO considers gun control to be moral perversion because it equates the criminal to the law-abiding citizen.

Law Enforcement Alliance of America

7700 Leesburg Pike Suite 421
Falls Church, VA 22043
Telephone: (703) 847-2677

Executive Director: Jim Fotis
President: John W. Chapman
Membership: 50,000
Web: http://www.leaa.org

The Law Enforcement Alliance of America (LEAA), founded in 1990, is a non-profit advocacy group that takes a tough stand on law and order issues. LEAA`s 50,000+ members consist of law enforcement professionals, citizens, and victims of crime who are fighting for street-smart, common sense solutions to America`s crime problem, such as: mandatory sentencing for violent criminals and repeat offenders; life without parole for certain violent crimes; capital punishment for heinous crimes of murder and aggravated rape; and legislation to protect the victims of crime.

LEAA also defends the freedoms guaranteed by the Bill of Rights, including the Second Amendment. LEAA represents tens of thousands of police officers across the country who do not believe that law-abiding firearms owners should be blamed or punished for America`s crime problem. Rank-and-file cops disapprove of politically-appointed bureaucrats claiming to represent them while supporting unconstitutional restrictions on the rights of citizens to own firearms for self-defense and other lawful purposes. LEAA believes that any law requiring the registration of firearms or a waiting period for the purchase of firearms benefits the criminal, not the law abiding citizen.

National Association of Arms Shows, Inc.

4225 Fortress Drive
Blacksburg, Virginia 24060
Telephone: (540) 953-0016
(888) 715-0606
Web: www.naas-info.org

NAAS is an organization formed and dedicated to creating a more positive image of firearm shows, to support and encourage members in efforts to produce quality shows and encourage the legal, safe and ethical trading of firearms and related items. NAAS is committed to the proposition that by setting high standards for its members NAAS can be successful in influencing gun show legislation at both the State and Federal levels of government and thereby create a safer environment for the general public, show participants and members of NAAS.

National Shooting Sports Foundation

11 Mile Hill Road
Newton, CT 06470
Telephone: (203) 426-1320

President/Exec. Director Doug Painter
Membership: 1,100 companies
Publications: Gun Club and Individuals Directory
Web: http://www.nssf.org

The National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF) employs 13 at their Connecticut headquarters and is not a lobbying organization. The NSSF was chartered in 1961, "to foster a better understanding and a more active participation in the shooting sports." The NSSF maintains a tax-exempt educational fund, in addition to its regular organization. The NSSF serves as a spokesman for the firearms industry and the legitimate sportsman through press releases, pamphlets and brochures, and sponsors factual research into gun ownership and the "Hunters Pay for Conservation" educational program.

Safari Club International

4800 West Gates Pass Road
Tucson, AZ 85745
Telephone: (602) 620-1220

President: Gary F. Bogner
Membership: 20,000
Web: http://www.scifirstforhunters.org

The Safari Club has 201 chapters around the world including 167 chapters in the United States, and was founded in 1971. The Safari Club is a sportsman`s organization to encourage conservation of wildlife. The group promotes hunting as a wildlife management tool and seeks to educate people to this effect. The club`s aim is to protect the rights of hunters. It maintains the Safari Club International Conservation Fund which works with other conservation groups and grants scholarships to students who have attended their American Wilderness Leadership School.

The Second Amendment Foundation

12500 N.E. 10th Place
Bellevue, WA 98005
Telephone: (206) 454-7012

Executive Director: Alan Gottlieb
Research Director: John Iou

Membership: 550,000
Publications: Gun Week, 3 times a month;Gottlieb-Tartaro Report, monthly; Women and Guns, monthly
Web: http://www.saf.org/

The Second Amendment Foundation (SAF) shares its staff with CCRKBA, but the organization does not lobby, given its status as an educational foundation.

An offshoot of the Citizens Committee, the Second Amendment Foundation raises funds ostensibly to provide educational and legal services for gun owners. It has an interlocking directorate with CCRKBA and adjoining offices in Bellevue, Washington.

The SAF produces educational materials "to promote a better understanding of the Second Amendment." Both CCRKBA and SAF conduct extensive and frequent fundraising campaigns. SAF produces issue monographs and has established an attorney referral service.

Ted Nugents United Sportsmen of America

4133 West Michigan Avenue
Jackson, MI 49202

Executive Director Ted Nugent
Publication: Adventure Outdoors
Web: http://tnugent.com/about_tnusa/

Sharing the high-octane personality of its founder, TNUSA is unabashedly pro-gun, pro-hunting and pro-outdoors. TNUSA enthusiastically promotes the hunting and outdoor lifestyle and particularly targets its message to young people and to those who have not before experienced the excitement of outdoor adventures.

U.S. Sportsmen`s Alliance

801 Kingsmill Parkway
Columbus, OH 43229
Telephone: (614) 888-4868

President: Bud Pidgeon
Membership: 50,000
Web: http://www.ussportsmen.org

The U.S. Sportsmen`s Alliance (USSA) (formerly the Wildlife Legislative Fund of America) has the mission of protecting the legal right to hunt, fish, and trap and promote scientific wildlife management practices. Formed in reaction to anti-hunting efforts of animal rights groups and related organizations, the USSA offers legislative lobbying, legal defense, and educational services for sportsmen. It is the legislative and political arm of the Wildlife Conservation Fund of America.

Just One More Step: Australia’s New Weapon Laws


Monday, March 24, 2025

Just One More Step: Australia’s New Weapon Laws

Australia implemented a firearm ban and mandatory confiscation in 1996 pursuant to the National Firearms Agreement, in which nearly 700,000 privately-owned firearms were turned in to the government and destroyed. 

Trump Administration Revives Federal Firearm Rights Restoration Provision


Friday, March 21, 2025

Trump Administration Revives Federal Firearm Rights Restoration Provision

On March 20, the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) published an interim final rule entitled, Withdrawing the Attorney General’s Delegation of Authority. That bland title belies the historic nature of the measure, which is aimed at reviving ...

House Judiciary Committee Prepares to Advance Key Second Amendment Legislation


Friday, March 21, 2025

House Judiciary Committee Prepares to Advance Key Second Amendment Legislation

The House Judiciary Committee, led by Chairman Jim Jordan (R-OH-04), is planning to hold a legislative markup on March 25, 2025 at 10 am EST.  The Committee will be considering several bills during this markup, two ...

North Carolina: Permitless Carry Bill Passes Senate

Friday, March 21, 2025

North Carolina: Permitless Carry Bill Passes Senate

Yesterday, Senate Bill 50 (S50), the permitless carry bill passed favorably out of the full Senate with amendments. The bill will now go to the House where it will be assigned to a committee for ...

White House Repeals Unscientific HHS “Advisory,” Refocuses Efforts on Criminals


Monday, March 24, 2025

White House Repeals Unscientific HHS “Advisory,” Refocuses Efforts on Criminals

Firearm prohibitionists reacted with anger and outrage last week to learn that the Trump White House had ordered the removal of former Surgeon General Vivek Murthy’s anti-gun tract, Firearm Violence: A Public Health Crisis in America, from the official Department of ...

Canada: A Fresh Gun Ban as Trudeau Exits


Monday, March 17, 2025

Canada: A Fresh Gun Ban as Trudeau Exits

Just three months ago, Canada’s Liberal government announced that an additional 324 so-called “assault-style” firearms had been added to the list of banned guns established under then-Prime Minister Justin Trudeau in 2020.

Reported Israeli Gun Owner Data Leak Exposes Danger of Registries


Monday, March 24, 2025

Reported Israeli Gun Owner Data Leak Exposes Danger of Registries

According to a recent report from Israeli newspaper Haaretz, Iranian-linked hackers were able to penetrate Israel’s databases containing sensitive gun owner data and leaked the information online in early February.

New Mexico: Sweeping Gun Ban Added to Committee Agenda for Tomorrow!

Wednesday, March 19, 2025

New Mexico: Sweeping Gun Ban Added to Committee Agenda for Tomorrow!

Today the Senate Finance Committee added SB 279, a sweeping gun ban, on tomorrow’s committee agenda. NRA members and gun rights supporters are encouraged to contact the committee NOW and tell them to vote NO on SB ...

Colorado: FOID Bill Passes Second Reading, Final House Vote on MONDAY!

Saturday, March 22, 2025

Colorado: FOID Bill Passes Second Reading, Final House Vote on MONDAY!

On Friday, March 21st, Senate Bill 25-003, the semi-auto ban turned FOID-scheme bill, passed on second reading in the House. It has been scheduled for its third reading and FINAL VOTE on the House floor on MONDAY, MARCH ...

NRA Applauds Governor Youngkin for Vetoing Two Dozen Anti-Second Amendment Bills


Second Amendment  

Tuesday, March 25, 2025

NRA Applauds Governor Youngkin for Vetoing Two Dozen Anti-Second Amendment Bills

Yesterday, Virginia Governor Glenn Youngkin reaffirmed his support for the rights of law-abiding gun owners by vetoing two dozen bills that would have trampled on the Second Amendment freedoms of the citizens of the Commonwealth. ...


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Established in 1975, the Institute for Legislative Action (ILA) is the "lobbying" arm of the National Rifle Association of America. ILA is responsible for preserving the right of all law-abiding individuals in the legislative, political, and legal arenas, to purchase, possess and use firearms for legitimate purposes as guaranteed by the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.