This is your last chance this session to help reform Kentucky's self-defense laws. The Senate Leadership and the Senate Judiciary Committee will have the opportunity to attach an NRA-backed amendment clarifying your right to keep a firearm in a locked vehicle on University property, when they meet on Monday, March 31.
House Bill 645, sponsored by State Representative Bob Damron (D-39) with attached NRA-backed amendment drafted by State Senator Robert Stivers (R-25) needs to be voted on by the Senate early next week in order for consideration in the House during the final days of session.
Make sure that your voice is heard on this important self-defense measure! Please contact the Senate Leadership and Senate Judiciary Committee today!
Senate Leadership:
Senator David L. Williams (R-16) - Senate President
(502) 564-3120
Senator Katie Kratz Stine (R-24) - President Pro Tempore
(502) 564-3120
Senator Dan Kelly (R-14) - Majority Floor Leader
(502) 564-2450
Senator Dan Seum (R-38) - Majority Caucus Chairman
(502) 564-2450
Senator Carroll Gibson (R-5) - Majority Whip
(502) 564-2450
Senator Ed Worley (D-34) - Minority Floor Leader
(502) 564-2470
Senator Johnny Ray Turner (D-29) - Minority Caucus Chairman
(502) 564-6136
Senator Joey Pendleton (D-3) - Minority Whip
(502) 564-2470
Senate Judiciary Committee:
Senator Robert Stivers (R-25) – Chair
(502) 564-8100 Ext. 623
Senator Katie Stine (R-24) – Vice Chair
(502) 564-3120
Senator Perry B. Clark (D-37)
(502) 564-8100 Ext. 715
Senator Carroll Gibson (R-5)
(502) 564-2450
Senator Ray S. Jones (D-31)
(502) 564-8100 Ext. 681
Senator Gerald A. Neal (D-33)
(502) 564-8100 Ext. 718
Senator Jerry P. Rhoads (D-6)
(502) 564-8100 Ext. 622
Senator Dick Roeding (R-11)
(502) 564-8100 Ext. 617
Senator Dan Seum (R-38)
(502) 564-2450
Senator Jack Westwood (R-23)
(502) 564-8100 Ext. 615
Senator David L. Williams (R-16)
(502) 564-3120