Please Contact Your State Assembly Members Today!
Today, Assembly Bill 339, passed out of the New Jersey Assembly Law and Public Safety Committee with a 5 to 1 vote. This legislation now heads to the State Assembly floor for a possible vote.
A339, sponsored by State Assemblywoman Joan M. Quigley (D-32), the gun-rationing bill, would prohibit the purchase of more than one handgun per month by law-abiding citizens, even though they have already passed a comprehensive background check.
Members of the Law and Public Safety Committee that voted for this attack on your Second Amendment rights were Assemblymen Gordon Johnson (D-37), Jon Bramnick (R-21), David Rible (R-11) and Assemblywomen Elease Evans (D-35), and L. Grace Spencer (D-29). The single opponent of this legislation was Assemblymen Nelson Albano (D-1).
Please contact your State Assembly members TODAY and respectfully urge them to oppose A339! Also, please contact Assemblyman Albano’s Cape May Court House office at (609) 465-0700 and thank him for standing up for your Second Amendment rights by being the only Assembly member to vote “No” on this anti-gun legislation. To find your Assembly member please click here.
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