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Anti-Gun Bills Introduced in Rhode Island!

Friday, February 29, 2008

Several anti-gun bills were introduced this week in the State House.  Senate Bill 2720, introduced by State Senators, Harold Metts (D-6), Juan Pichardo (D-2) and Paul Jabour (D-5), and its companion bill, House Bill 7834, introduced by State Representatives Joseph Almeida (D-12), Edith Ajello (D-3), Anastasia Williams (D-9), Grace Diaz (D-11), and Joanne Giannini (D-7), would ban the sale of semi-automatic handguns not equipped with so-called "microstamping" technology.  Microstamping is a failed technology that would require identifying marks to be etched into the firing pin and breech face of a firearm so that these markings are transferred to the cartridge case upon firing.  The technology can easily be defeated, has no public safety value and adds substantially to the cost of the firearm.  Both measures have been referred to the State Senate and State House Judiciary Committees respectively. Please contact members of the State House and State Senate Judiciary Committees and urge them to oppose S2720 and H7834!

Also introduced in the State Senate was Senate Bill 2742 (ammunition serialization), introduced by State Senator William Walaska (D-30).  SB2742 would require all handgun ammunition manufactured or sold in Rhode Island to be coded with an individual serial number registered to the purchaser and entered into a statewide database at the time of sale. This proposal would cause an enormous increase in the cost of ammunition, lead to the cessation of the sale of ammunition in Rhode Island and the establishment of a database of all ammunition purchasers.

This legislation is dangerous to gun owners not just because it would increase the cost of ammunition exponentially and reduce its availability, but because it actually exposes gun owners to risk of criminal prosecution without them even knowing it! There is no way for the ammunition purchaser to be assured that the serial number imprinted on the box matches the serial number on the rounds inside.  Even if the industry can or will produce this ammunition exclusively for the State of Rhode Island, the legal Rhode Island consumer will be required to register his or her purchase of ammunition and then blindly trust that the number etched on the "base of the bullet projectile" is accurately represented on the box in which it is sold.  Since the "base of the bullet projectile" is necessarily obscured by the cartridge case, it is impossible for the consumer to know if he has accurately "registered" his purchase.  

This legislation is expensive to the taxpayer, the consumer and the retailer while having absolutely no public safety benefit.  Call members of the State Senate Judiciary Committee TODAY and urge him or her to OPPOSE S2742!

Clerks Office for State Senate Committee on Judiciary 401-222-6625

State Senate Committee on Judiciary 

State Senator Michael J. McCaffrey (D-29) (Chairperson)
[email protected]

State Senator Charles J. Levesque (D-11) (Vice Chairperson)
[email protected]

State Senator Leonidas P. Raptakis (D-33) (Secretary)
[email protected]

State Senator Leo R. Blais (R-21)
[email protected]

State Senator Daniel P. Connors (D-19)
[email protected]

State Senator Paul V. Jabour (D-5)
[email protected]

State Senator Christopher B. Maselli (D-25)
[email protected]

State Senator John F. McBurney III (D-15)
[email protected]

State Senator Harold M. Metts (D-6)
[email protected]

State Senator Rhoda E. Perry (D-3)
[email protected]

State Senator John C. Revens Jr. (31-D)
[email protected]

Clerks Office for State House Committee on Judiciary 401-222-2258

State House Committee on Judiciary 

State Representative Donald J. Lally Jr. (D-33) (Chairperson)
[email protected]

State Representative Gregory J. Schadone (D-54) (Co-Vice Chairperson
[email protected] 

State Representative Timothy A. Williamson (D-25) (Co-Vice Chairperson)
[email protected]

State Representative Edith H. Ajello (D-3) (Secretary)
[email protected]

State Representative Jon D. Brien (D-50)
[email protected]

State Representative David A. Caprio (D-34)
[email protected]

State Representative Bruce J. Long (R-74)
[email protected]

State Representative Nicholas A. Mattiello (D-15)
[email protected]

State Representative William J. McManus (R-46)
[email protected]

State Representative J. Patrick O'Neill (D-59)
[email protected]

State Representative Peter G. Palumbo (D-16)
[email protected]

State Representative Amy G. Rice (D-72)
[email protected]

State Representative Joseph H. Scott (D-39)
[email protected]

State Representative Raymond J. Sullivan Jr. (D-29)
[email protected]

State Representative Donna M. Walsh (D-36)
[email protected]

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California: Anti-Gun Bills Pass Legislature, Heading to Governor’s Desk

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Attorney General Ken Paxton Sues the City of Dallas for Unlawfully Prohibiting Firearms From the Texas State Fair

Friday, August 30, 2024

Attorney General Ken Paxton Sues the City of Dallas for Unlawfully Prohibiting Firearms From the Texas State Fair

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Established in 1975, the Institute for Legislative Action (ILA) is the "lobbying" arm of the National Rifle Association of America. ILA is responsible for preserving the right of all law-abiding individuals in the legislative, political, and legal arenas, to purchase, possess and use firearms for legitimate purposes as guaranteed by the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.