Please Contact the Members of the House Judiciary Committee and Urge Them to Oppose HB2999!
Despite being defeated Tuesday, February 12, House Bill 2999, sponsored by Representative Blake Oshiro (D-51), may be revived. HB2999, would ban the sale and possession of .50 caliber BMG rifles and ammunition, require firearms dealers to include a gun lock with every firearm sold, and ammunition purchasers would have to prove they own the firearm for which the ammunition is being purchased. The bill also would include unnecessary restrictions on gun shops, and a list of other restrictions. Representative Oshiro, who is the Vice-Chair of the Judiciary Committee, plans to bring the bill back to the House Judiciary Committee after he meets with opponents of the bill later this month.
Please contact the members of the House Judiciary Committee and urge them to oppose HB2999. To find contact information for the members of the House Judiciary Committee, please click here.