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Georgia Senate Passes Critical Right-To-Carry Reform Legislation, Heads to House for Vote Tomorrow!

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Please Contact Your State Representative Today!

 The Georgia Senate passed House Bill 89 today, January 17 by a vote of 41-15.  This critical NRA-supported legislation to protect our firearm rights now heads to the House for a vote as early as tomorrow, January 18.  HB89 has been amended to include the following pro-Second Amendment language:

-allows licensed carry permit holders to possess a firearm in any private motor vehicle, while on any publicly accessible parking lot; 
prohibits gun dealer entrapment schemes, such as those orchestrated by New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg;
-allows concealed carry permit holders to carry in State Parks; and
-creates a strict time limit for various stages of the pistol license application process. 

These are just a few of the positive reforms HB89 will make to Georgia’s firearm laws.  


Help preserve our Second Amendment rights in Georgia by contacting your State Representative today and urge him or her to support and vote “yes” on HB 89.  If you need help identifying your State Representative, please click here.



District          Name                               Email                                Capital Phone

74      Abdul-Salaam, Roberta [email protected]       404-656-0325

84      Abrams, Stacey                 [email protected]              404-656-0224

9        Amerson, Amos                  [email protected]         404-657-8443

56      Ashe, Kathy                      [email protected]        404-656-0116

166     Barnard, Terry                                                                   404-656-5138

68      Bearden, Timothy               [email protected]            404-656-0287

65      Beasley-Teague, Sharon                                                      404-656-0220

85      Benfield, Stephanie             [email protected]               404-656-7859

31      Benton, Tommy                  [email protected]         404-656-0177

174     Black, Ellis                         [email protected]                 404-656-0287

10      Bridges, Ben                      [email protected]            404-656-5143

63      Brooks, Tyrone                                                                   404-656-6372

64      Bruce, Roger                      [email protected]                    404-656-0314

160     Bryant, Bob                       [email protected]             404-656-0298

130     Buckner, Debbie                 [email protected]        404-656-6372

50      Burkhalter, Mark                 [email protected]       404-656-5072

157     Burns, Jon                         [email protected]               404-656-0213

18      Butler, Mark                       [email protected]                    404-463-2247

20      Byrd, Charlice                    [email protected]           404-656-0126

175     Carter, Amy                       [email protected]             404-656-0325

159     Carter, Buddy                                                                    404-656-0213

103     Casas, David                     [email protected]            404-656-0254

81      Chambers, Jill                     [email protected]           404-656-3949

116     Channell, Mickey                                                                404-656-7856

134     Cheokas, Mike                                                                    404-656-0325 

101     Coan, Mike                                                                        404-656-6801

125     Cole, Jim                           [email protected]             404-651-7737

97      Coleman, Brooks                                                                 404-656-9210

27      Collins, Doug                      [email protected]            404-656-0188

41      Cooper, Sharon                                                                  404-656-5069 

102     Cox, Clay                          [email protected]                 404-656-0188

16      Crawford, Rick                   [email protected]          404-656-6372

122     Davis, Hardie                     [email protected]            404-656-0325

109     Davis, Steve                      [email protected]            404-656-0254

163     Day, Burke                                                                        404-656-5096 

13      Dempsey, Katie                  [email protected]         404-656-0126

6        Dickson, Tom                     [email protected]            404-656-0202

45      Dollar, Matt                       [email protected]             404-656-0254

86      Drenner, Karla                    [email protected]                     404-656-0202

150     Dukes, Winfred                                                                   404-656-0126

36      Ehrhart, Earl                      [email protected]                404-656-5141

108     England, Terry                   [email protected]          404-656-0183

128     Epps, Carl                         [email protected]                404-656-7859

106     Everson, Melvin                                                                  404-656-0188 

117     Fleming, Barry                                                                    404-656-5024 

99      Floyd, Hugh                       [email protected]            404-656-0314

147     Floyd, Johnny                                                                    404-656-0177     

66      Fludd, Virgil                       [email protected]                 404-656-0314

3        Forster, Ronald                  [email protected]              404-656-3947

43      Franklin, Bobby                                                                   404-656-5087

123     Frazier, Gloria                    [email protected]           404-656-0265

140     Freeman, Allen                   [email protected]                      404-656-0177

57      Gardner, Pat                      [email protected]                     404-656-0265

48      Geisinger, Harry                                                                  404-651-8086  

76      Glanton, Mike                    [email protected]        404-656-0202

34      Golick, Rich                       [email protected]              404-651-7737

162     Gordon, J. Craig                 [email protected]           404-656-0287

12      Graves, Tom                      [email protected]             404-656-7146

149     Greene, Gerald                   [email protected]                  

23      Hamilton, Mark                   [email protected]         404-656-0188

148     Hanner, Bob                                                                      404-656-7859     

118     Harbin, Ben                       [email protected]              404-463-2247

177     Hatfield, Mark                    [email protected]             404-656-0109

104     Heard, John                       [email protected]              404-657-8441

114     Heard, Keith                      [email protected]             404-656-0220

62      Heckstall, Joe                                                                    404-656-0220 

67      Hembree, Bill                      [email protected]            404-656-5146

87      Henson, Michele                 [email protected]       404-656-0116

21      Hill, Calvin                         [email protected]                404-656-0129

180     Hill, Cecily                         [email protected]                    404-656-0177

61      Holmes, Bob                      [email protected]                         404-656-0116

112     Holt, Doug                         [email protected]                      404-656-0152

71      Horne, Billy                        [email protected]                 404-656-0287

170     Houston, Penny                                                                  404-656-0202

121     Howard, Henry "Wayne"       [email protected]        404-656-6372

124     Hudson, Sistie                                                                   

133     Hugley, Carolyn                  [email protected]        404-656-5058

161     Jackson, Lester                                                                  404-656-6372 

80      Jacobs, Mike                      [email protected]             404-656-0152

135     James, Lynmore                 [email protected]         404-656-0116

28      Jamieson, Jeanette                                                             404-656-0202

8        Jenkins, Charles                 [email protected]                            404-656-0126

22      Jerguson, Sean                  [email protected]                    404-656-0287

75      Johnson, Celeste                                                                404-656-0325 

37      Johnson, Terry                   [email protected]                

46      Jones, Jan                         [email protected]                404-463-2247

44      Jones, Sheila                     [email protected]                     404-656-0323

77      Jordan, Darryl                    [email protected]           404-656-0116

59      Kaiser, Margaret                 [email protected]       404-656-0265

179     Keen, Jerry                                                                       404-656-5052

173     Keown, Mike                      [email protected]                         404-656-0177

126     Knight, David                     [email protected]            404-656-0152

24      Knox, Tom                                                                        404-656-6831  

158     Lane, Bob                         [email protected]                404-656-5115

167     Lane, Roger                       [email protected]             404-656-0109

82      Levitas, Kevin                    [email protected]             404-656-0116

15      Lewis, Jeff                                                                        404-656-9198     

54      Lindsey, Edward                 [email protected]        404-656-0188

142     Lord, Jimmy                                                                       404-656-7859     

14      Loudermilk, Barry                                                                404-656-0152

139     Lucas, David                                                                      404-656-0220     

110     Lunsford, John                                                                   404-656-7146  

172     Maddox, Gene                    [email protected]          404-656-0152

94      Mangham, Randal               [email protected]                404-656-0126

32      Manning, Judy                                                                    404-656-7868

96      Marin, Pedro "Pete"             [email protected]             404-656-0314

47      Martin, Chuck                    [email protected]          404-463-2247

17      Maxwell, Howard                [email protected]       404-656-3904

111     May, Jeff                                                                          404-656-5116      

30      McCall, Tom                      [email protected]               404-656-5115

115     McKillip, Doug                    [email protected]                       404-656-0220

5        Meadows, John                  [email protected]   404-656-0188

79      Millar, Fran                        [email protected]              404-656-5064

25      Mills, James                                                                       404-656-5099  

88      Mitchell, Billy                                                                     404-656-0116     

39      Morgan, Alisha                   [email protected]               404-656-0109

155     Morris, Greg                                                                       404-656-6372  

90      Mosby, Howard                                                                  404-656-0287      

95      Mumford, Robert                 [email protected]                   404-656-0254

120     Murphy, Quincy                  [email protected]        404-656-0265

1        Neal, Jay                                                                          404-656-0152  

69      Nix, Randy                         [email protected]                404-656-0177

146     O'Neal, Larry                                                                     404-656-5103  

83      Oliver, Mary Margaret          [email protected] 404-656-0265

141     Parham, Bobby                                                                   404-656-0202

156     Parrish, Butch                    [email protected]          404-656-0213

42      Parsons, Don                     [email protected]                404-463-2247

137     Peake, Allen                      [email protected]                   404-656-0188

143     Porter, DuBose                                                                   404-656-5058

29      Powell, Alan                       [email protected]             404-656-0202

144     Pruett, Jimmy                                                                    404-656-0126     

7        Ralston, David                    [email protected]                 404-656-5943

138     Randall, Nikki                      [email protected]            404-656-0109

11      Reece, Barbara Massey        [email protected]         404-656-7859

98      Reese, Bobby                     [email protected]           404-656-0314

51      Rice, Tom                         [email protected]                          404-656-5912

19      Richardson, Glenn               [email protected]      404-656-5020

154     Roberts, Jay                      [email protected]             404-656-5025

26      Rogers, Carl                       [email protected]              404-463-2247

171     Royal, A. Richard                [email protected]                404-656-0109

152     Rynders, Ed                       [email protected]                 404-656-7855

93      Sailor, Ron                                                                        404-656-0287  

153     Scott, Austin                     [email protected]            404-656-5132

2        Scott, Martin                     [email protected]           404-656-0254

136     Sellier, Tony                      [email protected]           404-656-0265

35      Setzler, Ed                        [email protected]               404-656-0177

176     Shaw, Jay                                                                         404-656-7859     

105     Sheldon, Donna                  [email protected]         404-656-5025

58      Shipp, Robbin                     [email protected]                 404-656-6372

119     Sims, Barbara                     [email protected]           404-656-0109

169     Sims, Chuck                                                                      404-656-0287  

151     Sims, Freddie Powell                                                           404-656-0152

60      Sinkfield, Georganna                                                           404-656-6372

113     Smith, Bob                        [email protected]                  404-463-2247

70      Smith, Lynn                       [email protected]              404-656-7149

131     Smith, Richard                                                                    404-656-0109

168     Smith, Tommy                                                                    404-656-5105

129     Smith, Vance                                                                    404-656-7153

132     Smyre, Calvin                    [email protected]             404-656-0116

53      Stanley-Turner, LaNett                                                        404-656-0325

78      Starr, Wade                                                                      404-656-0314

164     Stephens, Ron                   [email protected]               404-656-5099

92      Stephenson, Pam               [email protected]      404-656-0126

145     Talton, Willie                                                                    404-656-0254

40      Teilhet, Rob                       [email protected]                      404-656-0298

100     Thomas, Brian                                                                    404-656-0325

55      Thomas, "Able" Mable                                                          404-656-0314

38      Tumlin, Steve                    [email protected]           404-656-0177

107     Walker, Len                       [email protected]                       404-656-5139

91      Watson, Stan                    [email protected]              404-656-0220

52      Wilkinson, Joe                    [email protected]                     404-463-8143

49      Willard, Wendell                  [email protected]         404-656-5125

165     Williams, Al                        [email protected]               404-656-6372

89      Williams, "Coach"                [email protected]       404-656-0202

178     Williams, Mark                    [email protected]            404-656-0188

4        Williams, Roger                   [email protected]          404-656-3904

33      Wix, Don                           [email protected]                   770-948-3278

73      Yates, John                       [email protected]              404-656-5126


To keep track of this critical Georgia legislation and other Second Amendment issues around the nation, please visit www.NRAILA.org.

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Established in 1975, the Institute for Legislative Action (ILA) is the "lobbying" arm of the National Rifle Association of America. ILA is responsible for preserving the right of all law-abiding individuals in the legislative, political, and legal arenas, to purchase, possess and use firearms for legitimate purposes as guaranteed by the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.