Please Attend the Public Hearing on Tuesday, May 29 or
Contact the Senate Labor, Elections and Urban Affairs Committee Today!
The legislature is currently considering Senate Bill 104, sponsored by State Senator Spencer Coggs (D-6), which would undermine Wisconsin’s preemption statute. Senator Coggs has recently introduced an amendment to SB 104 which would require ALL private transfers of firearms in Wisconsin to be conducted through a Federal Firearms Licensee (FFL). This bill would also require FFL’s to charge an additional $5 for running this background check for the private sale to be processed.
This bill would prevent anyone who is not an FFL from “transfering” a firearm to anyone else, including family members, anywhere in the state. The language does not specify that a sale has to occur, nor does it define what a “transfer” is. Consequently, an individual who allows a relative or friend to borrow their firearm for target shooting or hunting is technically transferring a firearm in direct violation of the law.
It is URGENT that you voice your opposition to SB 104 and the proposed amendment that attacks all law-abiding firearms owners of Wisconsin.
SB 104 has been assigned to the Senate Labor, Elections and Urban Affairs Committee chaired by Senator Coggs. Please show your support for the Second Amendment by attending a public hearing on SB 104 in Milwaukee, and help prevent this anti-gun legislation from reaching the Senate floor!
Milwaukee DNR Building
2300 N. Martin Luther King, Jr. Drive
Milwaukee, WI 53212
Tuesday, May 29, 3:00 pm
SB 104 would set a dangerous precedent and threaten the future of gun rights statewide.
It is critical that you contact the members of the Senate Labor, Elections and Urban Affairs and respectfully request that they oppose SB 104.
Labor, Elections and Urban Affairs Committee
Senator Spencer Coggs (D-6), Chair
(608) 266-2500 capitol
(414) 442-0739 district
Senator Robert Wirch (D-22), Vice-Chair
(608) 267-8979 capitol
(262) 694-7379 district
Senator John Lehman (D-21)
(608) 266-1832 capitol
Senator Glenn Grotham (R-20)
(608) 266-7513 capitol
(262) 338-8061 - staff
Senator Alan Lasee (R-1)
(608) 266-3512 capitol
(920) 336-8830
Please spread the word to your family, friends, and fellow gun owners to contact the members of the Senate Labor, Elections and Urban Affairs Committee and urge them to oppose SB 104!
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please use the "Write Your Representative" feature found at