S 1012, a proposal that would ban the sale of all semi-automatic rifles, handguns, and shotguns not equipped with “microstamping” technology has been introduced and could soon be considered by the Senate Judiciary Committee.
This bill would require that identifying marks, including the make, model, and serial number of the firearm be etched into the firing pin and breech face of a firearm so that these identifying marks are transferred to the cartridge case upon firing. This technology can easily be defeated, has no public safety value, is certain to raise the cost of the firearm, and will make it nearly impossible to purchase a semi-automatic firearm in Rhode Island -- likely the true intent of this legislation. S 1012 would also make it a crime to alter the firearm in such a way that affects any identifying marks, making it illegal to repair a firearm or replace a firing pin due to breakage or normal wear and tear.
Please contact the members of the Senate Judiciary Committee today and urge them to oppose S 1012! Contact information for the members of the committee can be found below.
Senator Leo R. Blais (R-21)
(401) 823-4536
Senator Daniel P. Connors (D-19)
(401) 728-0828
Senator Paul V. Jabour (D-5)
(401) 751-3300
Senator Charles J. Levesque, Vice Chairperson (D-11)
(401) 683-9194
Senator Christopher B. Maselli (D-25)
(401) 764-0086
Senator John F. McBurney, III (D-15)
(401) 725-2459
Senator Michael J. McCaffrey, Chairperson (D-29)
(401) 739-7576
Senator Harold M. Metts (D-6)
(401) 272-0112
Senator Rhoda E. Perry (D-3)
(401) 751-7165
Senator Leonidas P. Raptakis, Secretary (D-33)
(401) 397-2720
Senator John C. Revens Jr. (D-31)
(401) 738-8362